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He opens the door to a very sexy Shelby Cobra. Great. He also has a sexy car to go along with a sexy bike.

“Getting in?” he asks, his lips fixed in a daring grin.

A smart girl pats his cheek and walks away, just like I did the first time I met him. A dumb girl gets in the car.

I’m not a smart girl at the moment.

Chapter 14


Bella whistles when we step into the foyer. The house isn’t obnoxious like some of the Sterlings’ or Tag’s, but it’s a nice house that’s too big for just me. Now that she’s here, it’s hard not to say something stupid that will have her cursing me and bolting for the door.

Being an ass and snarky sparring I can do. But I think we’re sort of past that point. At least at the moment.

Something tells me she’s not just going to tear off her scrubs and head into my bedroom without a little effort either.

What the hell am I doing?

Inwardly groaning, I lead her into the living room.

“Want a drink?” I ask, tossing her the remote as she sits down on the couch.

“Just water. You know, I only live a couple of blocks from here,” she says as I head into the kitchen.

“You feeding my stalker habit?” I ask her, smirking when she laughs under her breath.

“Just figured someone like you would be in a much ritzier area. Like on the beach or something,” she calls out.

I grab a couple bottles of water and head back into the living room as she flips through the channels on my TV.

“I’m not big on sand. No matter how hard you try to keep it out, your house is full of sand when you live on the beach. And the uptight neighborhoods aren’t feasible for partying.”

I wink at her, but she rolls her eyes.

“Right. For a second, I actually forgot you were a party boy.”


now, that’s not all I am, Banana Girl.”

She glares at me, and I bite back a smile as I get comfortable on the couch, handing her the water. She snatches the bottle out of my hand, fighting hard not to smile.

“Damn Wren Prize.”

My laughter sneaks out before I can stop it, and she mutters a few curses and something about bells.

“So I guess you’re a blowjob expert if you’re giving her pointers?” I ask, smirking when she coughs on her water.

She turns her eyes on me, and a slow smile curves her lips. “Don’t get excited. Even if I wanted to give you a demonstration—and I don’t—I don’t think I’d know what to do with all the hardware you’re sporting.”

My eyebrows waggle, and she shakes her head. “It works exactly the same. It just feels better.”

“There’s another line I bet you’ve used a hundred times,” she says while mocking a gag, which has my cock twitching in response. Until she adds, “But I don’t know where that thing has been, and my mouth isn’t going anywhere near it.”

“Got tested a few weeks back. The results are in the top drawer of my dresser, if you want proof I’m clean. And I haven’t fucked anyone in… too long. So everything is up to date.”

She clears her throat and looks away, and my smile grows. I like making her squirm. Before I can mess with her more, my phone is ringing, and I glance down to see my lawyer’s name flashing across the screen.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance