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“How’s Bananas treating you?” Bella asks Maverick, grinning wickedly.

He just arches an eyebrow while pocketing his hands. “I have no idea why you didn’t like that cat. She’s the sweetest thing there ever was.”

Dale smirks as he takes a seat beside me, as though he’s holding back a secret.

Bella rolls her eyes. “Whatever. That cat was just a host for a demon, and you can’t convince me otherwise.”

Allie calls her over, and she walks away. My eyes are on her ass as she leaves, but Maverick suddenly cuts off the view. I take in the fact he’s no longer smiling smugly, but he looks exhausted.

“You have to help me get rid of that crazy fucking cat. Soon!” he hisses, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Bella hasn’t overheard.

Dale bursts out laughing, while a slow grin crawls over my face.

“But she’s so sweet,” I drawl, mocking his words.

“She’s fucking evil!” He thrusts his hands at me, and I take in the numerous claw marks. “I was trying to jack off—”

“Too much information,” Dale groans.

“—and that bitch attacked my hands. She narrowly missed my dick,” Maverick g

oes on, dismissing the interruption from Dale.

I smother a laugh when he glares at me, but Dale has to walk away because he can’t stop laughing.

“And the farts… Oh the fucking farts that cat has are horrible.”

“Guess that joke backfired, huh?” I muse.

I doubt Maverick will be fucking with my girl for a while. Oddly, I don’t have any jealousy left where he’s concerned. Bella loves me, and there’s nothing that can convince her otherwise. Thankfully.

“What are we talking about?” Kode asks as he takes the seat Dale vacated.

“Pussy problems,” I deadpan.

“Define pussy problems,” Kode says.

“Maverick getting his ass kicked by a bare pussy,” I say, smirking as Maverick flips me off.

“Pussy has always been an issue for him,” Kode retorts.

“This pussy is the devil’s advocate,” Maverick grumbles.

“And the joke was pointless,” I say, shrugging as Bella nears. “I mean, after all, Bella quit waxing, and now it’s like an out of control jungle down there. I’m half worried a forest fire might happen if I cause too much friction,” I go on, watching with amusement as her eyes widen and her jaw falls open.

“You lying bastard! It’s still just as smooth as ever! And I—”

Her words die when I wink, and red paints her cheeks when she realizes her mistake and laughter erupts across the yard.

“What’s as smooth as ever, Aunt Bella?” Angel asks, confused, reminding Bella she was just yelling that out for the world to hear.

Bella glares at me, and I grin at her. I really fucking love her.

“Uncle Ethan’s real head. He wears fake hair,” Bella says pathetically, unable to come up with a good insult on the spot.

“Wa wa wa,” Maverick chides mockingly, laughing when she shoots a glare at him.

Bella opens her mouth to say something, when her eyes suddenly land on something behind me, and her entire body goes stiff. I turn in time to see my surprise has arrived, and I take a deep breath, really hoping this goes well.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance