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She gives me a grim smile. “Rye does love me. And I do know it. But I also know how easy it is to fall into a comfortable routine and forget things need to progress. I want kids one day, Ethan. I can give that up, but only if I know for sure Rye really wants to keep moving forward and not come to a standstill just because it’s comfortable. So… I’ve implemented a no-prank rule for a while.”

My eyebrows go up. “That’s… How’s that going to work? You both love your pranks. Hell, it’s part of what’s so amazing about your relationship.”

She shrugs again, looking away. “One day, we’ll have that fun again. I just need to know this is real and not just fun. I love him so much that it kills me to ever think about losing him, but I think everyone needs to know if they’re just as important to someone. You know?”

Yeah. I do.

When I didn’t let Bella know just how important she’d become, I damn near lost her.

“So no pranks? I give it two weeks before one of you cracks,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

She doesn’t smile. I suck at being funny.

“I guess we’ll see. I need to go back to your house to help finish the nursery,” she says, ending the conversation on a whisper to keep Bella from overhearing.

“See if you can talk Allie into going with you,” I grumble. “Maybe then I can let Bella know she’s pretty damn important to me.”

Her lips twitch, and she nods before walking into the living room. Just before she reaches them, she puts on a bright smile that could fool anyone who didn’t just see all the uncertainty in her eyes moments ago.

I need to call Rye.

After a few minutes, Allie blows out a long breath, hugs Bella, and stands with Brin. Apparently Allie took the hint, even though she darts a warning glance at me.

“Call me if anything at all changes, or if she runs a fever, or if—”

“I’ll call you if she sneezes. Got it,” I interrupt, sounding a little bit like a dick, but I don’t care. It’s been a rough couple of days. I still have to write a check to the hospital for the window I destroyed, and I have to apologize to all the guys who are wearing bruises today because of me.

Speaking of which…

While Allie and Bella finish up their goodbyes—sheesh, they’re not going to war, for fuck’s sake—I text Rye.

ME: How’s your face?

RYE: I’ve done more damage to yours in the past. No worries.

ME: You should fix this thing between you and Brin before you’re drowning in a bottle of whi

skey and crashing a crowbar through your car’s window again.

RYE: Things are fixed… Well, sort of. We’re taking a break from pranks, but everything else is good.

ME: Think again. Time to go drastic.

RYE: Drastic is kidnapping, and I’ll take those measures if it’s necessary. She’s not going any fucking where.

ME: I was thinking more along the lines of getting over your issues, because your girl wants kids. Maybe it’s just baby fever.

RYE: Thanks.

I have no idea if he’s thanking me for telling him, or if he’s being a smartass and thanking me for getting Bella pregnant and adding to the baby fever epidemic that is sweeping through our group since Fall was born.

Putting my phone away, I look up just as Brin and Allie wave at me. I don’t wave back. I’m just happy to finally have Bella all to myself.

When I reach the sofa, Bella forces a smile as she looks up at me. “You don’t have to stay. We can… um… talk about things later, if you want.”

No, that’s really not what I fucking want.

Chapter 71

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance