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As if that doesn’t have me worried more. My blood pressure is probably higher because of that damn visit.

I’m glad I have the day off, because I can’t handle this queasy feeling at work right now. There’s no way I’d be able to inhale all the scents of the hospital without losing my stomach on someone’s lap.

I need fresh air. And I need a distraction.

After showering quickly, I toss on some clothes and check my phone again. Ethan hasn’t called or sent another text. Not that I expect him to.

The suspense sucks, but I understand his need for space right now. It’d be wrong to deny him something I once chased.

Allie’s phone goes to voicemail, but then she’s suddenly beeping in on me.

“Hey, where are you?” I ask her.

“Actually, Wren’s taking me out of town. I was just calling to tell you that.”

“Oh,” I say surprised. She doesn’t sound happy about it. “Everything okay?”

She sighs harshly. “Yeah. He’s sweet, but I don’t need to get away, and he thinks we do. Anyway, Angel is in the back, and we’re buying clothes when we get to where we’re going, wherever that may be. He’s filling up the tank right now.”

“You don’t know where you’re going?” I ask, confused.

“No. We left Tag’s about two hours ago, and we’re heading north now. Wren said we’d stop when we felt like we were in the right place to unwind and enjoy. It’s uncharacteristic for him, so I think he must need it and is saying I’m the one who needs it.”

“Okay then. I’ll… Well, just call me when you get home.”

“Are you okay? Because I can totally have him bring me back if you’re not.”

“I’m fine, Allie. Really.”

She sighs before saying, “Alright. But call if you need me.”

“I will. Be careful and have fun.”

I hang up with her and call Ruby. Ruby answers on the third ring. “Hey, little momma. Just had a heart to heart with Ethan a few hours ago. Is that why you’re calling?”

Heart to heart with Ethan?

“Actually, I don’t want to think about Ethan right now,” I say to her, swallowing the knot in my throat.

“Sorry. Right. I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.”

“I’m fine, but I was wondering if you wanted to get out and go with me. I can’t stay in this house, and if you aren’t doing anything, I thought maybe we could just… Go somewhere. Maybe to some thrift stores or something?”

“Oh! There’s a new thrift store up the road from me, actually. If you’ll give me fifteen minutes, I’ll swing by and collect you myself.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Brin’s with me. Care if she comes too?”

“Yeah. Bring her. Ask her if she knows of any shops.”

I hear muffled conversation, and suddenly Brin is on the phone.

“I know of a lot of really good ones. I still shop on a budget, because I won’t use Rye’s money.”

“Then I’ll see you two soon.”

I hurry through the motions of getting dressed, discreetly side-eyeing my phone a few times, even though I say it’s because I’m expecting a call from Brin or Ruby. Honestly, I know exactly why I’m eyeing it. But I’m trying really hard not to admit why.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance