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It’s the first time I’ve tried to contact her since I found out she’s pregnant. Not sure that’s the most appropriate icebreaker, but I’m trying to get to the “proving it” part under control before actually having THE conversation.

When my phone buzzes, relief fills my chest. I half expected her to ignore me, just as she’s done for weeks now.


I leave it at that, and I buy a bunch of weird shit for nursing. Basically, if it says nursing on it, it gets tossed in the cart. Then I move on to bibs. Bibs? “Do newborn babies need bibs?” I ask a guy who is grabbing a few things across from me.

“I have no clue. If you find out, let me know.”

Where the hell are all the women? I see numerous guys shopping, but no women.

Annoyed, I grab my phone and text Tag.

ME: Where the fuck are you?

BELLA: At home.

Ah fuck. Wrong person. I forgot I just sent her a text.

ME: That was meant for Tag. Not you. Sorry.


Well, at least I know she’s back at her house now, since she said she was home. I wish I didn’t know that, because now the temptation is killing me.

ME: Where the fuck are you?

This time I double check to make sure I’ve sent it to the right person.

TAG: Upstairs getting shit you’re going to need.

ME: Do I need bibs?

TAG: Lots of them. And those little towels that you need over your shoulder to burp the baby. They spit up, and it’s not fun. Trust me.

The fucking hell? There’s a special towel for special things? And you have to burp them?

Tag thought it would be quicker to divide and conquer, but I can’t figure out any damn thing. How can something so small have a massive store devoted to just their tiny little needs?

I’m in way over my head here.

I grab a damn book. Then another. Then another.

All of them are essentially how-to guides, and I’ll be reading up. I still have months before the baby gets here.

My baby.

I keep saying it over and over, and each time, it’s scarier. But it’s also just as… exciting? I’m not sure if exciting is the most accurate word.

No!! Oh shit. Why am I shopping with Tag when I know the perfect person for this?

ME: Get what you’ve got and check out. I’ll meet you at the car.

TAG: Good. I have no idea what I’m doing. Ash’s parents and Melanie did all the shopping.

ME: Just get the essentials. Crib and shit.

TAG: Got it covered.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance