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“Yeah, but I never really meant anything to you, Ethan. You kept this wall between us that kept me from getting closer than you wanted me. I thought maybe you just weren’t ready. Then Maverick was bursting with energy, but honestly, he was no different. You think you’re closer to him, but then you realize Maverick only gives you the illusion you’re closer than you are. In the end, I was hurt twice. You were only hurt once.”

“And that somehow exonerates you from your guilt? Glad to be of assistance,” I state dryly.

“I came to be nice, so stop being a dick.”

Rolling my eyes, I sit back on my chair, cross my arms over my chest, and ignore her. If Bella was to come up, it would definitely ruin any shred of hope I had left. If Star doesn’t leave soon, I’ll carry her ass out of here and toss her into the house two doors down, if that’s really her mom’s.

“Anyway, you did Bella the same way you did me.”

“Don’t,” I caution, cutting my eyes toward her as anger wells up and steals away the exhaustion. She shrinks under my gaze. “Bella and you have nothing in common. I was an idiot with Bella, and she was a hell of a lot better to me than you ever were. Maybe you should find a little more light. I think you’re missing a few flaws. Because I know I fucked up with Bella, but it was completely different than it was with you.”

Standing, I turn and walk inside, leaving her by my pool as I slam the door and lock it. I’m not sure if she thought a heart-to-heart with her would give me some grand epiphany or what. But no. I don’t need Star telling me what I did wrong with Bella.

I’m sure in her own twisted way she thought she was doling out words of wisdom, but she’s so far out of her depth that it’s not even funny.

I thought I saw a future with Star once.

I was wrong. She was nothing to me the way I thought she was.

I know I lost my future when Bella walked away.

I just didn’t realize it until it was too late. It felt like a sledgehammer busted through my spine and stole every ounce of good in my life. But I’m not ready to give up. This time, I know where I went wrong.

Chapter 64


“Hey, thanks for comi—you’re not Rain,” Wren says as he opens the door.

“Not since I last checked,” I tell him with an arched eyebrow. “Expecting Rain?”

“Well, I was hoping. Not really expecting. Brin was supposed to watch Angel for us, but she’s sick, and I have that business meeting uptown. I’d like to have Allie with me, since she’s worked so hard with me on this, but we can’t both go if no one is here to watch Angel. I left a message for Rain, but she hasn’t called back.”

“What about your Mom?”

“Out of town. Tria is getting over some virus that’s been going around, and Ruby and Corbin are out with Bo and Jax. Bella is coming over when she gets back from her doctor’s appointment, but she won’t be here in time for us to leave.”

My heart gets slapped around in my chest like a jackhammer has been unleashed. Wren eyes me like he’s waiting on something.

“What the fuck is wrong with her?” I demand when he doesn’t volunteer the information.

“Nothing. Just a checkup. Allie said she couldn’t cancel it because of her work


“I’ll watch Angel until Bella shows up.”

He laughs. Actually laughs.

“Sorry, but you’re not using my child to get a chance to see Bella. I happen to love my daughter, and I want to get her back in one piece.”

“And I can’t handle a kid? You seriously don’t trust me to take care of your daughter?”

Yeah, it’s like a punch to the nuts to hear him say that.

His laughter dies, and his expression sobers.

“You’re serious right now? Man, you wouldn’t even go see Bella when Angel was at her house. And now you’re volunteering to babysit?”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance