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“She’s actually on a date with some lawyer right now,” he adds. “The guy picked her up from here and stayed on his phone the entire time when she was trying to make quick introductions.”

It doesn’t bother me that she’s on another date. Not at all. Nope. That would be insane if it did.

“Is that so?” I ask with forced disinterest, while secretly hoping he elaborates. Unfortunately, he gets called away by Allie, and I’m stuck trying not to obsess. Once again.

After years of having all of my attention wrapped up, I’m starting to find myself bored outside of work. At least that’s what I’m blaming this slightly disturbing fixation I have for a girl I barely met.

My phone chimes with a text, and I turn it over to cock an eyebrow in disbelief, wondering if her ears were burning or something.

BELLA: It’s another vibrator night. I’d rather wade through an ocean of spiders than ever let this guy put his dick inside me.

Why I’m smiling, I don’t fucking know. Maybe it’s because she just surprised the hell out of me.

ME: I’m better than any vibrator you own, and I have a spider tattoo if you’re into that.

BELLA: wtf?!!! That was not meant to go to you! Forget you saw it.

My smile only grows.

ME: Face it, on some subconscious level you wanted to message me, Bella. And I was being serious.

BELLA: Sorry, but my vagina is on lockdown against you.

ME: Just me? Why is that?

BELLA: Because you’re sexual. That’s why.

Yeah, my cock stirs when I read that, even though it’s an odd sensation. I can actually feel my boxers brushing against the head of my dick right now. Haven’t felt that since I was a kid.

BELLA: SPECIAL! Fucking eh. Not sexual!

ME: I’m especially sexual, so thank you for noticing. As for your vibrator situation… I’m here whenever you want to quit faking you’re a good girl.

BELLA: I’m not a good girl, and I’m not trying to be one. You’re riding my ass for no reason.

ME: Hmm… Now there’s a visual.

BELLA: ..l.. That’s me flipping you off. Just so you know.

ME: Just admit you want me, and we can stop playing this game. It’ll be fun to let me catch you.

BELLA: I don’t want you or your bedazzled dick.

ME: What the hell does bedazzled mean?

BELLA: Look it up, metal dick.

Laughing, I put my phone away, ending the sparring match. I’m not sure if I believe her or not about not meaning to send that to me. Seems a little too coincidental, but I’m game if she is.

Wren can forgive me.

Chapter 6


As I wait on my late date to arrive, I trim my weird little plant that is supposed to relax me, according to the books I read. I’m tense and not relaxed. At all.

My phone buzzes on the counter, and I smile when I see it’s Allie.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance