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“Sorry,” Cody says, sounding genuinely apologetic. “She said this was a guest room, and the door wasn’t locked.”

“Oops,” Star says, though it doesn’t sound genuine.

Star cuts her eyes toward me, and she gives me a smile… A smile that almost looks sweet, but I have a feeling it’s lined with a razor’s edge.

Star stands, keeping Ethan’s sheet wrapped around her, and I turn and walk out when she gives him the same smile she gave me and utters a fake apology. I’m out the front door when Ethan catches up to me, and I pass a guy who is puking in the bushes.

“Bella! Where the hell are you going?” Ethan demands, gently grabbing my arm and forcing me to turn around.

He looks confused, as though he can’t understand why I’d possibly consider leaving.

When a girl streaks by in nothing but her bra and panties, streaming a roll of toilet paper behind her like another group are doing, I roll my eyes.

“Ethan, as much as I want to be with you tonight, I don’t want to be here. There’s puke on my shoes, gum in my hair, and beer all over my shirt. There’s also blood on my jeans from where you punched a guy. Oh, and I just saw your ex—the one you envisioned a future with—naked on your bed. Pardon me if I don’t feel like hanging around to see what other goodies I might find.”

He grimaces, but overall, he’s still staring at me like I’m the one overreacting.

I don’t want to argue while he’s drunk. That will never end well.

“Go back in and enjoy yourself. I’m going to walk home,” I tell him, forcing a smile.

“Like hell. Bella, I’m not letting you walk home alone. Just give me a damn second, and I’ll walk you back myself.”

People inside start chanting his name. Maybe I am a wet blanket.

“Stay here,” he tells me before turning to head back inside.

Deciding I don’t want him to feel torn about what to do, I wait until he walks in to do whatever it is he’s going to do, and I start sprinting toward my house. It’s not far, and I don’t have to slow down.

By the time I reach my yard, I kick off my ruined shoes, leave them on the front porch, and I head inside to find Bananas has clawed up my leather chair. Maverick Sterling needs to get this damn cat out of my house.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I blow out a long breath before reading the message.

ASSHOLE: Where the hell are you?

I guess he just got back outside and discovered me gone.

ME: At home. Enjoy your party. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Obviously he’s pissed, but he’ll sober up tomorrow and we can have this discussion without the blur of alcohol.

I head to my bedroom, shower, and then crash.

I hope Ethan knows that unless he gets a new bed, he’s never getting laid in his bedroom again. I don’t foresee me forgetting the mental image of Star’s flawless, naked body spread over his bed.

It’s just a phase… Eventually he’ll get tired of the parties, just like everyone else. Then maybe, just maybe, there could be a future.

Chapter 46


I haven’t seen Bella since she bailed on me at the party two days ago, and this will be day three, unless she agrees to see me. I wanted to go over to her place first thing the next morning, but I didn’t wake up until a little after two. In the afternoon. By then, she was gone with Allie and Angel to shop for Angel’s school play.

Then I wanted to see her yesterday, but she had to work, and she ended up pulling a double. I wanted to let myself into her house and just wait on her to get home, but a few people showed up—names are lost on me—and we ended up drinking late into the night, since I figured Bella would be too tired to do anything other than sleep.

I really regret that decision, based on the late-night drunk texts that passed between us. I don’t even remember the conversation, but I do know she’s probably pissed, since she’s not answering today.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance