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Rolling her shoulders back, she seems pleased with the fact it’s not trying to escape, and she calmly takes her seat by me again.

“The fuck was that about?” Kode asks her, but he’s more confused than angry.

Tria looks like she’s trying not to smile.

“I just saved penguins from extinction,” Bo states randomly. “You’re welcome.”

Kode’s eyebrows go up, and he shoots a look to me. I shrug, because I have no fucking idea. Even Tria looks confused, so obviously it’s not some inside chick joke.

“Whatever,” Kode finally says. “Got other stuff in this bag anyway. I’m not showing you either.”

Bo doesn’t say anything or try to throw away anything else, so Kode walks away, pulling Tria with him.

“Penguins?” I muse.

She shifts uncomfortably.

“Change the subject,” she grumbles.

She looks annoyed, which makes me want to annoy her more. I just smile as the urge wins out.

“You hogged the covers again last night,” I say on a sigh, which has her glaring up at me.

“You’re the cover hog. They’re on the floor next to your side of the bed when I wake up. I have to practically sleep on top of you to get body heat because you keep the room so cold,” she says, already getting feisty.

So fucking hot.

“You push them off me,” I tell her with a shrug. “I don’t fight you. I can’t help it that you’re so jealous that you can’t even stand the thought of a sheet or comforter touching what’s yours.”

She starts to open her mouth, but then she hesitates as she studies my face.

“You’re trying to piss me off,” she states, narrowing her eyes at me.

My eyebrows bounce up and down as my cheeky grin spreads. “Last night was epic. I’m shooting for a repeat performance.”

Her anger dissolves, and she starts laughing while shaking her head. “Unbelievable.”

She leans into me again, still laughing under her breath. This is definitely not something I saw coming, but I like being surprised. Best fucking surprise ever? Bo Brendon.

And no, I don’t give a damn if that makes me sound like a pussy either.

“Oh,” she says, reaching into her purse. “Got you something.”

“Me?” I smile like a little fucking kid, and I don’t even usually like presents.

She pulls out a box, and I take it from her, lifting the lid to see what’s inside. My laughter thunders out unexpectedly and draws everyone’s attention as Bo blushes and tries to shush me.

I take it back. Not all surprises are awesome.

There’s a fucking tampon keychain in here. Where the hell did she find something like this? And where the hell am I going to put something like this?

“I couldn’t resist. A friend of mine from marketing had one, so I had her order me one,” Bo whispers, laughing as I pick it up and try to hide it from view.

“Dude,” Maverick says, swiping it out of my hand before I can stop him.

Ah hell.

“Is this… Is this a fucking tampon?” he asks, wrinkling his nose.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance