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“Oh, I’m so going to make you pay for this!” she shouts up to the window where Rye is blowing her a kiss.

One glance at my mural, and I get over the pinch of the cuffs as they tighten on my wrists. Jail time isn’t so bad.

Yeah… Worth it.



“He had them arrested?” Dane asks through a laugh as we walk toward Rye’s garage. He’s in a suit, and I’m wearing my shorts and tank, so we’ve definitely been getting some looks.

We were just having lunch around the corner when Rye messaged me, letting me know Ruby was about to be a jailbird. Fucking awesome.

“Yeah, but just as a prank,” I say, grinning. Ruby swore she’d never get arrested again, because being in a cell freaks her out. “He’s friends with the two who showed up to get in on the ruse. But the girls don’t know that.”

Just as we near the garage, Rye is walking out, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“You just missed them. You should have seen their—What the fucking hell is that?” His voice hits a new octave by the last part, and I follow his gaze to the massive—and disturbing—mural of him lying down… naked…

I burst out laughing, finally understanding why all the people around us are snickering. That’s a very tiny—

“That’s not scaled to size!” Rye yells at everyone. “Don’t make me fucking prove it.”

He grabs the button of his jeans, tearing at it like he’s about to whip his dick out and show the world that the mural is a lie.

“Whoa!” I yell, laughing so hard that the word barely comes out right. “You’ll go to jail for real if you do that.”

“Get away from my crotch!” he yells at a woman, abandoning his dick-showing mission to rush over and cover up the painting’s cock. Which isn’t hard to do. He could probably conceal it with his thumb if he wanted to.

“Get some paint!” he yells at us.

“I’ll get the paint,” Dane says through a chuckle, wiping tears out of his eyes. “You stay here and stop him from getting arrested for indecent exposure.”

He jogs toward the hardware store down the street, while I move over to the wall where Rye is cursing everyone around. “And I have a piercing!” he announces, as though that raises his badass points and helps him recover from the pinky sized artwork between his mural’s legs.

He turns a glare on me, and I bite back a mocking grin.

“How did she do this in thirty minutes? I saw them when they parked, so I know they weren’t out here longer. And only three cans? I watched Brin throw them away when Ruby threw them down!”

“She’s a pro,” I say through a laugh.

“What did I ever do to her?! I thought Brin was bad.”

“Brin did leave you naked on a beach after painting you blue, and she only left you with a cowboy hat,” I remind him.

He curses when someone starts snapping pictures, and I smirk while propping up. Then I realize I’m touching his feet—not his real feet—and I back up a step, making sure people don’t include me in their pictures.

“Do me a favor and give her a nasty triple dare,” he growls.

“I have something planned for tomorrow,” I tell him absently. But it won’t be nasty.

My grin kicks up just as Dane returns with paint for Rye. “I have to get back to the office,” Dane says on a chuckle. “Need a ride?”

“Nah. I’m about to head to the gym. I don’t have to work in an office.”

He flips me off while I waggle my eyebrows, and he walks away, shaking his head and laughing. Rye continues spewing threats while spraying the hell out of his dick—not his real dick.

“Looks like you don’t manscape now,” I tell him, motioning to the black blob he’s made.

After he delivers a death threat, I laugh and head toward the gym a few blocks away, deciding to jog, since that’s what I was doing when Dane messaged about meeting for lunch.

“Help me, you fucker!” Rye calls after me.

I start to leave him hanging—no pun intended—but decide it’d be good to have the king of pranks owe me one. I grab a can off the ground, and I head toward his face—not his real… You get the idea.

Things are certainly never boring in this group.

“I thought she had a badass camaro,” Rye growls before using his head to motion toward Ruby’s little red Bug.

“She does, but she also has that. Meet the two sides of Ruby. Cute and badass. She’s a walking contradiction most days.”

“Think her keys are still in her car?”

It doesn’t take rocket science to do the math on what he wants to do.

“She keeps one hidden under the car. But do you really want to be seen driving that thing?”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance