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“We’re out of here,” I tell Jim and Wanda, bending awkwardly to keep my front hidden, and using my hand to cover it a little too obviously.

“Have fun,” Wanda says with a little wave.

Jim’s eyes narrow on me, but Wanda thankfully distracts him as I hobble behind Ruby through the crowd. She stops abruptly, and I slam into her, and a fucking tear springs to my eye. Yeah… This fucking hurts.

“Sorry,” she says over her shoulder, wincing like she knows I’m in pain.

I doubt I’m doing a good job of masking it.

As soon as we’re outside, she turns to speak, but I immediately grab her shoulders and turn her back around before I start pushing her toward her car.

“What are you doing?” she asks, stumbling a little. I keep pushing her.

“You have to get me home. I need…” A cold shower? A strong bottle of liquor? Two tubs of lotion?

I just leave it blank.

“Yeah. I know what you need. A girl,” she says, turning around and laughing like she’s been holding it back all night.

She knows? Fuck.

“Funny. Hilarious. Laugh all you want inside the car,” I mutter dryly, jerking her door open and mentally reminding myself to scold her for not locking it later.

“Corbin, you seriously have to—”

“Car,” I interrupt her. “Drive.”

Apparently I can’t think well enough to put full sentences together.

Pain. All I can focus on is the searing hot and aching pain.

She gets in the car, and she starts laughing again as she cranks it.

“Don’t kill me for what I’m about to tell you, but… Um…”

Her words trail off as more laughter spills out of her, and she starts driving toward my house. Her house is closer. I might have to make her take me there so I can get a cold shower.

“Take me to your house. Please. I can’t make it to mine.”

Did she just fucking snort?

When she does it again, I realize she is snorting.

“This isn’t funny!”

Annnd she snorts again. Damn her.

“I’m sorry,” she says, though the obnoxious laughter sort of kills any sincerity the apology has.

I lean the seat back and undo my jeans, not giving a damn how embarrassing this is anymore. There’s something wrong with me.

I almost want to cry when I get some relief just from pushing my jeans open. But the relief is short lived.

“Corbin,” she says, still fucking laughing, “you… I don’t know how to tell you this, but you really do need a girl.”

“Not shit, Sherlock,” I grumble, covering my eyes with my arm as I lie back and try to think of disgusting things once more. The scent of Ruby all around me is driving me out of my mind and ruining all my attempts of killing this bastard erection.

“No. I mean you really need a girl. Like… medically.”

“Unless you’re volunteering, shut up and drive. I’m in too much pain to keep talking. The sooner I get a cold shower, the better.”

Just her voice is making my cock jump with need. I can’t hear her or smell her for much longer or I might cry like a freaking baby.

This… Yeah, this is worse than being a damn fairy in the school play back in elementary school. Way worse.

I just thought my humiliating moments were behind me.

“Corbin,” she prattles on, which shouldn’t surprise me. She never has listened to me. Why start now? “That beer was my dad’s, and—”

“Really not the time to talk about your dad’s beer, Ruby. Your voice is killing me.”

“Well, fuck you too,” she says dryly, and I groan.

“Wrong kind of killing, sweetheart.”

She’s quiet for a minute, then quietly she says, “Ohh.”

“Yeah. Get the idea? Be quiet until I take a cold shower. And roll down a window. Your smell is making it worse.”

I swear I hear her sniffing the air before the window rolls down, and I breathe a little easier. No way am I looking over at her. Seeing her drive stick will just make me a time-bomb. Nope. Keeping my eyes covered.

She takes a couple of breaths like she’s going to speak, but she thankfully shows mercy and never does. This damn thing… What is wrong with me?!

I feel us turning before slowing to a stop, and I peek out from under my arm to see her house. I’m pushing my door open and taking long, quick strides to make it inside, holding my pants up so they don’t drop around my ankles, because I’m not even going to zip them back up.

After quickly punching in her keyless entry code, I push open the door and head straight for her bedroom. Bo walks out of the guest room suddenly, and she drops a pint of ice cream as she squeals in surprise.

I don’t even bother speaking or apologizing for scaring her. I’m on a mission.

The shower doors slam behind me, and I strip naked inside the shower, tossing my clothes over the doors before flipping it onto full blast—ice cold. It’s painful. It’s actually almost unbearable. But the damn erection remains.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance