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An arm slides around my shoulders as Corbin returns to my side, and I almost thank him for being here. Wanda won’t talk about stuff like that in front of him.

“What are we talking about?” Corbin asks innocently, and I think I gag. I know bile rises to my throat.

Wanda just laughs while shaking her head, and Corbin picks his beer up to take a sip, eyeing her curiously.

“Nothing for your ears.” She looks up from her purse, pulling out a tube of lip gloss. Thank God it’s no more pills.

We listen to the music as the bar fills up more and more. Corbin is almost finished with his beer by the time Dad finally sits back down.

“Damn bathroom line looked like a woman’s line,” he growls, acting as grumpy as always, but I can’t help but smile.

He grabs his beer, but then he stops and tilts his head.

“This isn’t mine,” he announces, glancing up and scowling at Corbin. “That’s mine.”

He points at the almost empty beer Corbin is holding. “I always peel the label off.”

My eyes widen as Corbin apologizes.

Oh no. Oh no. No. No. No.

Wanda chokes and sputters her drink across the table, her eyes meeting mine with fascinated horror. She’s torn between laughing and gasping, while my skin crawls with dread.

“What?” Corbin asks, confused.

“Nothing,” Wanda lies, working pretty damn hard not to laugh.

I really hope we don’t end up in the emergency room tonight.



I admit being around Ruby always puts me in a state of discomfort with tight jeans. Which is why I wore my loosest ones tonight… But I’ve never had a fucking hard-on for a solid hour.

It hurts. It hurts so damn bad.

Why won’t it go away?

It’s like all the blood in my body has rushed south. It’s throbbing!

I scoot my chair over again, putting even more space between us. You could squeeze a linebacker’s shoulders in the gap I’ve created, yet my dick is still hard. Painfully, achingly, miserably hard.

Fucking hell.

“You okay?” Ruby asks, seeming all too amused as her lips twitch like she’s fighting a grin.

With the way I’m sitting, I can barely even see her without giving myself a neck cramp. I have my lap twisted and hidden under the table. No way has she seen it. I’ve refused to get up since all hell broke loose in my pants, other than the one time I managed to get to the bathroom to jerk off. No luck.

It’s like my dick is telling me that my hand isn’t going to do the trick tonight. And I can’t take a girl home, because Ruby is here. Even if she wasn’t here… She’s close enough.

I’m. Fucked. Well, not literally. That would solve all my problems.

Groaning, I wipe the sweat off my forehead. Christ, I’m sweating.

I have to stop thinking about it. It’s just making it worse. It’s like needing to take a piss when you’re stuck in traffic. The worst thing you can do is focus on it.

Turtles. Hamburgers. Snowmen. Ladybugs. Marshmallows.

That’s not working. Time to break out the big guns.

With a gross taste in my mouth, I go to the one dark corner of my mind I swore I’d never visit.

The night I was eight and accidentally saw my parents having sex.

I gag, almost puking, but the motherfucking erection doesn’t even try to lessen.

“You sick fuck,” I whisper through the table that hides my lap.

“What?” Jim asks me, but I don’t even acknowledge him.

“You look a little… not so good,” Wanda says, struggling to keep a straight face for some reason. “You might should let Ruby take you home.”

Fuck that. I’d attack her in this condition, and she’d castrate me.

Hmmm. That actually sounds less painful than enduring this hell I’m in right now.

“Seriously, you two should get out of here. Let Ruby drive you. I can take your car home,” Wanda says.

“He’s had three beers. The boy isn’t drunk, babe. If he is, he sure as hell doesn’t need to be drinking,” Jim says in a deep rumble.

I wish I was drunk. This shit wouldn’t be nearly the issue it is right now.

“I didn’t drive. Mav dropped me off.”

My original plan was to make sure Ruby had to take me home. But I never foresaw this.

Why do my balls feel like they’re on fire?

“Corbin, I need to talk to you,” Ruby says around a small laugh, and Wanda giggles as well.

Jim has lost interest, which is good, since I’d rather not have my problem on display when I stand up.

“Talk,” I say, turning my head to see her better.


Fuck. I knew she was going to say that. I really hope she doesn’t feel like talking about that damn kiss now. Because I’ll burst. No way around it. I’ll shove her against a wall and—

“Please?” she asks.

I think I just growled. Or maybe it was a whimper. All I can focus on is the pulse in my pants that is getting more painful by the second.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance