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“So you have a thing for Corbin, don’t you?” Bella’s voice startles me, and I look away from where Corbin is uncomfortably speaking to some girl his mother has introduced him to.

“What?” I ask, playing coy and hoping she’s dumb enough to fall for it.

She gives me an I’m-not-that-stupid look that ruins my hopes.

“Long story, Bella,” I tell her before downing another glass of champagne. Getting drunk is a bad, bad, very bad idea. I always hang all over Corbin when I’m drunk. But I can’t endure another second of this night without being wasted.

My spine stiffens when Lisa Sterling is suddenly in front of me. Apparently they teach you stealth in frigid bitch school.

Her gaze moves between Bella and I—the only two girls who shouldn’t be in a party like this—and she rolls her eyes.

“Was there a funeral procession you had to attend before joining us tonight, Eliza?”

Like my mother, she refuses to call me Ruby.

“As dull as this is, I wouldn’t call it a funeral, necessarily. I actually wore the gloves to keep from getting frostbite tonight,” I quip, smiling so sweetly that it freaking hurts. “I know it tends to run a little chillier in your house.”

She just stares at me with that same cold gaze I’ve always gotten. I remember once thinking Corbin only became friends with me to drive her crazy.

“Why you bothered coming at all is beyond me,” she says, faking a smile for a man passing by before her eyes come back to me. “I think we can both agree this isn’t your forte.”

Just as I open my mouth to speak, ready for my next attack, the color drains from my face as my eyes move over Lisa’s shoulder to find a set of familiar blue eyes narrowing on mine. Lisa looks behind her, following my gaze, and she sighs.

“My. My. It seems they’re just letting anyone in tonight.”

She looks back at me before giving me that bitter, cold smile, but I barely notice her or hear her excusing herself, walking in the opposite direction from the woman walking toward me.

My mother.

“Eliza,” Cassie says with no emotion, looking me over with the same distaste that just oozed from Lisa’s eyes.

“Cassie,” I say while clearing my throat, trying to regain my composure.

I’m not ready to face her, damn it. Not here. Not like this. Not with me wearing a fucking dress.

“Most daughters call their mothers something other than their name,” she replies dryly.

Bella sucks in a sharp breath before moving over to talk to someone else, realizing this is a personal thing.

“Most mothers don’t continuously let their daughters almost die,” I point out, trying to remain as emotionless as her about it, even though a painful stab hits my heart.

She rolls her eyes. “I see you’re still just as dramatic as ever. You had a few minor episodes, Eliza.”

Minor… Yeah. It’s always minor when you’re hospitalized in ICU.

“Ruby!” Maverick’s booming voice cuts through the room, and he’s suddenly at my side, throwing his arm around my shoulders. “You want to join us outside?”

I look over to see Corbin grinding his jaw, glaring at my mother’s back, as Dane and Kode force him outside. The last thing I need is him starting a fight with my mother in front of his mother… Talk about family drama.

“Yeah,” I finally say to Maverick, letting him lead me away.

When Cassie reaches for my arm, Maverick casually inserts himself between us, cutting her off and acting like it isn’t even intentional. He drops a kiss on his mother’s cheek as we pass by, and she waves at me.

At least Maverick’s mom is nice.

When we reach the outside, two arms are immediately around my waist, and a glass of something dark is shoved at me from another hand. I look up to see Dale handing me the drink, and I relax in the arms that I know belong to Corbin.

“Ready to get drunk and ditch the party?” Dale asks the group.

“I feel like a teenager hiding from our parents’ glam all over again,” Rain says while kicking out of her heels.

Ash pouts before sighing and running her hands over her stomach. “I’ll have to pass on the drinking, but I can totally be the designated driver.”

Tag scoops her up, protruding belly and all, and presses a kiss to her head. “You guys are on your own. I want to get my wife home and kiss my son before he goes to sleep.”

Ash giggles in his arms, and I just watch them as they creep out the back gate with Tag still carrying her. Never would I have ever thought the playboy could be tamed.

Unfortunately, that gives me all the wrong kind of hope.

“I have an idea,” Maverick says with a grin. “Skinny dipping at my place?”

Dane slaps the back of Maverick’s head, which has everyone laughing.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance