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How do I face him now? Maybe he was too drunk to remember it was me. Surely he was.

Since I’m in a straight panic and have no idea what to say or do, I decide to shower. Maybe he’ll just leave while I’m in there. Perhaps he’ll think it was some random girl and not the object of his hatred. I have nothing in there that would tell him it was me... unless he finds my purse.

The water blasts free from the showerhead, and I stay under it, praying it cleanses me completely from the devil’s touch that I can’t seem to stop thinking about. He’s my enemy—has been for years. One night of amazingly hot sex doesn’t change that fact.

I swear it’s the longest shower I’ve ever taken, and if he’s still in my bed, I might just scream. I steady my breath, clutch my towel, and push through the door to find an empty room.

Thank God.

But what happens now?



“You’re late. You are coming tonight, right?” Rain asks over the phone.

“I’m coming.”

I’m not really too thrilled about it. I’ll have to see Kode, and after waking up in a hotel with him yesterday... this could be awkward. No, awkward is too kind of a word for how this will probably play out.

“Great. How far away are you?”

I glance up at the enormous house right next to the ocean, staring at the front door that promises a night of problems, especially considering the fact that Kode’s favorite Audi is already here.

The devil awaits.

“I’m here now.”

I hang up as I take my first wary step, moving away from the safety of my car that promises to whisk me away from this certain hell. I knew I’d have to face him sooner or later.

Each step I take forces more knots to form in my stomach. By the time I make it to the door, I’m ready to double over from the weight of the dread that is festering inside me. But I’m a big girl, so I force myself to act composed and confident, and I walk in, ready to face the worst. That’s a lie; I’m not ready. But I can fake it like a pro.

Maverick is the first one I see, and he motions toward the living room. “Everyone’s in there. You’ve missed most of the fun.”

He still hates me. I can see it in his eyes. There was a time when my sister and I had… issues. I never did anything half as vicious as they thought I did, but it’s apparently not good enough. Dane is the only Sterling boy who doesn’t envision my head on a stake.

I don’t say anything. Maverick leads, I follow, and we make our way toward the living room in heavy, uncomfortable silence. I almost get sick when I see the familiar strands of sandy blonde.


In his designer suit that fits him too damn well, he looks like royalty. It was a lot easier to not drool before I knew how good he was in bed. Now... shit. I hate this.

I feel shallow and stupid for even having this twisted attraction to him. He’s the spawn of evil, and I fucked him all too willingly because of his outer-coating. I wish he looked half as hideous on the outside as he is on the inside.

He looks up from his conversation with Dane, but he merely glances my way before returning his attent

ion to his brother. I’m surprised by the pang of disappointment that strikes.

That’s exactly what I wanted. So why do I feel like he just slapped me in the face?

“Finally,” Rain says as she comes to hug me. “I was starting to worry that you weren’t going to make it at all. We’re not far from doing the last toast, and then we’re going to discuss Vegas for next week.”

Vegas. Crap. I forgot about Vegas. Dane’s engagement gift to Rain is a trip to Vegas with all her friends. I really wish I could go back in time and refuse that offer.



Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance