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I’m actually sweating. Dane is talking, but I can’t hear a damn word coming out of his mouth. It was supposed to be a one-night get-it-out-of-my-system fuck, and now I’m fighting incredibly hard not to look her way.

Christ. Does she have to wear such short dresses?

My eyes ride up her legs, scandalously peeling off her clothes as I think back to what she looks like in lace and nothing else. She’s oblivious to my appraisal since her attention is focused on Rain.

“So you’re still good with Vegas?” Dane asks, finally breaking through my thoughts.

“Vegas,” I murmur, smiling then frowning in a fluent motion. I should be thinking about gambling, drinking, or half-dressed women throwing themselves at me, but all I can think about is having a week where I’m just down the hall from Tria. “Vegas is good.” Vegas is going to be so damn bad.

When Tria’s eyes meet mine, I try to force a smile of some sort, but my lips don’t cooperate. I’m so fucking confused right now, and it’s pissing me off.

No. Tria is off-limits. It was one night of insanely hot sex. One night. I can’t go back there. I don’t want to go back there.

I break the eye contact when she does manage to force a smile. This is the woman I’ve hated for years. She’s Rain’s evil sister. I don’t care if they’ve made up. She was still a bitch to Rain, and Rain is my best friend. End of story. Tria is too good at being a bitch to stay nice for too long. She’ll fuck up with Rain, and my hatred will return.

I really fucking hope it returns.

When Tria walks away, joining Tag and Ash, I take a moment to watch her ass—every perfect curve of it. I hate her for a whole new reason right now.

Chapter 4


So far so good. Kode and I have been in the same room with each other numerous times now since our one night of temporary insanity, and nothing terrible has happened. If he’s not ignoring me, then he takes the chance to say something snide or witty in an effort to be a dick. And I just ignore the hell out of him when he does.

Everything is back to normal.

I’m almost positive he has no clue that he slept with me. It’s relieving and irritating at the same time.

Now we’re in Vegas, and everything is running smoothly. I feel like the outcast of the group, considering how close the guys are with Rain. The rooftop party going on behind me sounds as though it has gathered more people, but I stare ahead at the city lights, ignoring everything and everyone. I just want to go home.

I wish Kade and Raya had come. I really get along with Raya.

Tag and Ash had to stay behind because they didn’t want Trip to have to travel so far. It’s not that far. They’re just overprotective parents.

“Hey,” a smooth voice says from behind me, prompting me to turn away from the railing and face him.

Yep. The party has quadrupled in size since I last paid it any attention. The rooftop pool is packed with unfamiliar faces. How does Dane Sterling draw this many people in everywhere he goes?

The guy who has demanded my attention has soft brown hair that shags a little long for my taste. He’s tall—not as tall as Kode. Though he’s attractive enough, he’s not really doing anything for me. I really wish he was.

“Hey,” I say softly, forcing a smile. At least I don’t look like the loner anymore.

“Don’t know anyone?” he asks, smiling as he grabs two champagne glasses from a passing tray.

He proffers me one of the glasses, and I willingly take it, ready to drown out as much of the next three days as possible.

“I know the two that assembled this party. You?”

He smiles as his eyes flick toward Rain. She must radiate some pheromone that draws attention from everyone.

“I know Rain Noles,” he says while turning back to me. “I’ve worked on her marketing team for a while. I asked her out a few times, but she was always unavailable—according to her. I guess she’s really unavailable now. So, what’s your name?”

So glad I’m his second option, I think dryly. Nothing new.

It takes a great amount of willpower not to roll my eyes.

“Tria. Rain’s sister.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance