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“You better, or I will,” she says, almost as if she’s scolding one of her own children.

I grin as his cheeks redden, and I watch as he starts tangling with them to remove their drunken bodies from the eyes of the disapproving.

“They’re too skinny for tequila,” I say with a mocking tone as I raise my glass toward him in a triumphant gloating sort of toast.

He scowls at me and then shrugs.

“Could you give me a hand?”

“Me?” I laugh. “Not my problem.”

“Ashiara, please help him,” Melanie whines while turning toward me.

Crap. Should've kept my mouth shut.

He gives me a childish ha-in-your-face smile, and I narrow my eyes at him while going to relieve him of Sexy Thing One.

She collapses almost instantly, her legs giving out, and she laughs hysterically as I wrap her arm around my shoulders, trying to distribute her weight.

“I hate you right now,” I grumble as Tag scoops up Sexy Thing Two with effortless ease.

He lets a laugh escape as I struggle with the girl who looks a lot skinnier than she feels. I follow him, cursing under my breath, as he makes his way around back for our discreet departure.

“Thanks for this,” he murmurs softly as we find the array of parked vehicles.

“Thank Melanie. She’s the one making me do this.”

“Oh, I’ll be avoiding Melanie for a while. She’ll be wanting to kick my ass for this.”

I accidentally laugh, but I quickly try to mask it. I don’t want to be anything but irritated right now. Here I am, helping him carry out his intoxicated dates, and I’m still drooling over him.

I should be appalled by such a jerk. So why am I not?

I know... The drought is screwing with my rationality. That's what it has to be.



Damn, this girl is heavy when she’s deadweight. This is the last time I ever bring two dates to a wedding full of single women. This whole Bity and Ash thing is starting to piss me off.

She’s completely immune to all my charm. I swear she’s wearing a protective amulet under her dress somewhere - though I have no idea how she could hide anything under that dress. It hugs her body too perfectly. I’m sweating for all the wrong reasons, and I can’t remember a girl ever having this sort of affect on me. It's... irritating. Very irritating.

She’s adorable, grunting and struggling behind me. Each time I sneak a peek at her, she gives me her best angry glare. It just makes her all the hotter, and I feel all the crazier.

Maybe once I fuck her, I’ll shake whatever spell she has put on me. Perhaps I just hate the fact Bity brought the hottest girl here.

“My car is just over there,” I murmur to break the silence as we walk over the gravel of the extended parking lot.

I should have tipped the valet better. This gravel sucks. I forgot it was even back here.

“Just so you know, carrying an extra hundred pounds in heels is not too frigging easy to do on gravel,” she snarls out, but I can’t help but laugh.

Her being pissed is only turning me on more.

Vivian or Valorie—whichever one she’s supporting—starts giggling as her arms drape around Ash and she bears down with all her weight as she passes out.

I start to laugh, but then I hear a snapping sound and they both slap the gravel as Ash squeals out.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance