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“We’re going to take a walk on the beach. You guys feel like going? We can bring security,” Shannon chirps.

I look to Ash, hoping she’ll say yes. I’d love to hold her to me as we carry our son down the beach.

“I’m tired, but maybe tomorrow. You guys are staying, right?” she asks.

“Yeah, we’re here for the duration. No more leaving you alone,” Bity quickly adds.

“What about you, Tag? You in for a beach stroll?”

I’d like to get out just to clear my head for a minute. Ash’s body in those short little shorts and tight top is killing me. I haven’t been able to keep my damn hands off her all day. I thought about saying to hell with it, and fucking her despite the pills, but I can’t.

As soon as her head isn’t clouded by anything, she’s mine.

“Sure,” I murmur in a sighing tone, not wanting to go and leave her, but not wanting to stay and not touch her.

She almost frowns, but she swishes out of the room with Trip in her arms. I watch as my bedroom door closes, and I debate going on to bed with her. With the raging hard-on I’ve had most of the day, that would probably be a bad idea.

I need some fresh air.



I should be able to sleep. I’m exhausted, and I cried so much earlier that I almost passed out. Why can’t I sleep?

With an irritated huff, I finally give up. They’ve been gone for a while, and I’m starting to wish I had just gone with them. I would have liked walking with Tag, but not being able to be with him is getting more painful by the day.

Mmm. Pie.

Erica brought a pie, and I

skipped out on desert. Now I want some, and I think that’s exactly what I’ll go get.

Heading into the kitchen, I notice the fridge already open and a body bent over in it.

“Hello?” I ask curiously, and a head slams into the top of the fridge as Damon emerges, cursing under his breath.

“Sorry,” I chuckle out, and he grins oddly while staggering backwards.

He must have hit his head pretty hard.

“Please don’t be sorry. I just didn’t expect anyone else to be up. I needed some pie.”

I smile as I pull down two plates.

“So do I,” I say softly, and he smirks while walking over with the pie in hand.

“So, Ashiara, how is it my son can keep his hands off you?”

Wow. Skip the small talk, why don’t you.

“Um, I really don’t know what to say to that.”

I smell the stout, pungent stench of soured alcohol radiating from his body. There’s more, too—I just don’t know what. He isn’t just acting drunk, he’s acting high. I’ve only ever seen a few people on drugs, but he definitely fits the bill.

“I don’t mean to sound so crude, it’s just, damn. You’re a beautiful piece of work. How much does it cost to keep you in his bed, and how much more would it cost to get his dick in you again.”


Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance