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“I think you should. Bity says you’re the only one who seems to bring out her vulnerability. It’s likely she’d confide in you. She definitely needs to talk to someone after the hell she’s been through.”

I look through the window as Damon sits beside Ash, and she forces another smile, masking her truths behind that glorious grin. I wish I knew what to say to make it all better for her.



“You were quiet, pretty girl. Want to share?” Damon asks kindly.

He looks completely different than the scruffy man he was when he arrived. His dark shadow has been shaved clean. His clothes are pressed, clean, and fit him perfectly. He almost looks like Tag now, just older.

“I’m fine, just tired. It’s been a long couple of weeks, as you’ve read in the tabloids,” I grumble, my eyes pointing to the mess of magazines he brought in.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you hadn’t seen them.”

“It’s fine. So how long are you staying?” I ask to change the subject.

“I originally planned on leaving tonight, but Tag invited me to stay. I think I’ll take him up on it. How do you feel about that?”

The way he says that is odd, but then again, I’m very tired. I’m both mentally and physically drained.

“I think it’s a good idea. I’m sure Tag would love the chance to spend some time with you.”

“And what about you, dear? Would you like to spend time with me?”

“Um, I don’t see why not. Right now though, I need to get Trip to bed.”

The sliding glass door to the outside deck opens, and Tag steps in just as I stand up.

“Going to bed?” he asks as he walks toward me.

“Yeah. Trip is out, and I’m pretty beat. Do you want him in my room or your room tonight?”

He tilts his head as though I’ve just said something wrong.

“You’re not sleeping with me?”

As much as I want to say no, I want to say yes just as badly. This is so twisted and confusing as hell.

“I don’t really know if-”

“I’m sure Damon would prefer a room with a view, and yours is the last one. If you stay the night with me and Trip, then he can wake up with the ocean in his room.”

I force an uneasy smile, and then I nod.

“Then I guess you’ve got a roommate again.”




Is that how she views herself? Is that my fault or is that what she feels?

Damn I’m confused.

Damon stands, and then he heads off toward Ash’s room to make himself comfortable, as Erica, Bity, and Shannon walk in.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance