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“Ashiara and your brother are dating—finally,” she says, exasperated, and then her eyes move to Tag. “Oh my goodness! How in the world did I miss you?” she gushes while ripping him forward in a desperate embrace.

He chuckles lightly as the abrupt jerking motion forces his drink to slosh and spill a little. His eyes burn against mine as he returns her hug, but I cut away to avoid the lingering heat it forces.

When I disengage, I see Wren staring at me with complete bewilderment.

“You’re Ashiara?” he asks in exaggerated disbelief.

“I prefer Ash.”

His eyes fall all over me as his gaping mouth adds emphasis to his shock. I’m not sure if I should feel flattered or what.

“Damn, Bity. What the hell?” Wren coughs, choking on his own air.

Billy smirks, and then he wraps his arm around my shoulders again to play the part. I’m growing a little tired of the charade now that I want to play with Tag, but it’s best if I don’t. If nothing else, this ruse is keeping me from being a fool losing her dignity.

“I’m going to go to the restroom now,” I murmur, my eyes intentionally averting Tag’s as I turn away.

“Make sure you find us soon, dear. There’re so many people I want to introduce my son’s girlfriend to,” Melanie giggles.

I force a smile and nod, and then I playfully blow a kiss to Billy who smiles all the broader. He’s enjoying the charade a bit much, and it’s feeding his pitiful ego. He needs a good confidence boost.



There’s no way in hell that magnificent creature who is swishing her hips as she walks away belongs to Bity. This has to be a mistake. She's getting paid... which makes her an escort. Even if she does know him, if she's getting paid, she's still a working girl. There are very few other explanations for this combo.

Or... maybe she’s one of those girls with terribly low self esteem who doesn’t know how beautiful she really is. Perhaps she doesn’t think she can do any better. I can help prove her wrong. I’ll do it very happily.

She gets stopped by some men who’ve obviously been admiring her and waiting for their chance, but she just graciously smiles and excuses herself each time. She can’t be that in to Bity.

I could watch that ass all damn day.

She seemed completely indifferent to me. She never acted the least bit affected by my usually irresistible charm.

I did all my usual stuff. I stared her directly in the eyes, I showed interest in her, I very obviously stared her up and down to let her know I was undressing her with my eyes, but none of it worked.

I know I haven’t lost my touch, so I’ll just have to step up my game. I’ve sure as hell got more game than Bity.

“Hey, come help me out with Alyssa’s cousins. They’re dying to meet you. That’s why I came over here,” Wren says just as Rene walks up.

Bity’s eyes fall on her, and his smile involuntarily spreads too big. He’s still got it bad for her even though Ash is by far more impressive. There’s no way in hell a sane man would give up a night with that exquisite piece of sex-in-heels to be with Rene.

If I nudge Rene in his direction, though, I could get my chance with Ash this weekend.

“Yeah, Wren. Just give me a second,” I say with a devious grin as my scandalous plan forms.

“Hey, Tag,” Rene says while blushing. “Hey, Billy.”

It’s rather obvious her panties get wet every time she sees me, but I don’t have time to fuck with her head today. I’ve got a mission, and I’ve got a small window of opportunity.

“I just met Bity’s girl, and I have to say, for the first time ever, he outdid me,” I say while keeping my smile in place.

“Bity’s girl?” Rene asks curiously while turning her attention solely on the man who adores her far too much for his own good.

He makes it too obvious, and girls don’t like a mushy loser, no matter how much they say they do. Every girl claims to want a nice guy, but they always fall for the bad boys.

Bity squirms uncomfortably, but not because he’s ashamed. He just doesn’t know how to act around Rene - he never has.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance