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“We were both incredibly drunk, and we fell asleep without meaning to. Christ. Get the hell over it.”

Wren laughs, and then I watch his feet head toward the door.

“Just meet us downstairs in twenty if you change your mind. Mom sent me to retrieve Ash since Bity has apparently disappeared with Rene. He’s so fucking stupid. There’s no way I’d leave a girl as hot as Ash to be with Rene.”

Tag snickers from above, and I roll my eyes. He told me Wren was Ashed. Gross.

“I’m not changing my mind, but since Bity is out with Rene, how about you tell Melanie Ash didn’t want to go? I could use the day to Tag her.”


Wren laughs loudly, and I just puff from under the bed.

“Well, I suppose there’s no harm in that since Bity is loving Rene again. I still think he’s a dumbass for that endeavor.”

“I’m just glad she’s leaving me alone. I’d have gotten Bity a girl a long time ago if I had known it would make Rene hang on him.”

I have to get out of here before I throw up in my mouth.

Wren laughs again, and then I hear the click from the door shutting just before Tag’s head suddenly descends and peers into the opening where I’m shamefully hiding.

This is more humiliating than his fountain accident.

“You can come out now,” he teases, his boyish grin almost making me smile against my loathsome desire not to.

“Cute. Real cute,” I grumble while rolling out from under the bed.

I shuffle to my feet and smooth out what wrinkles I can as I fidget with the skirt that loves climbing up my legs.

“So, we have the house to ourselves now,” he says while bouncing his eyebrows up and down. Then he grabs me at my waist and pulls me back down on the bed before his lips graze mine. “So where were we?”

I was about to make a big mistake.

I can’t fuck my best friend’s mortal enemy. Not to mention, Tag is obviously the type to kiss and give details. No thanks.

“I was about to go grab a shower, eat breakfast, and then wait on the others to get back - which won’t be long after I do all that,” I mutter while pulling away.



What the hell did I miss?

Once second she’s on top of me, seconds away from letting me have her, and the next she’s like ice. What happened to flip the switch? Women should come with an instruction manual - one for every type.

Surely Wren bursting in couldn’t have doused the moment that much. Fuck.

I’m going to implode if we keep up this game of tease-but-don’t-please.

“Mind telling me what just happened?” I muse while holding back my agitation and rising up to face her.

“I just need to gather myself. Look, I know you don’t get this, but I’m really not into the whole 'screwing someone I barely know.' I realize we keep getting into these... situations, but obviously you and I have different opinions on what sex is for. Sorry, but I need to go.”

I'm going to need a cold shower. Maybe she needs me to be blunt.

“I don’t get you. Why do you keep telling me no when it’s painfully clear you want to say yes?”

She smiles softly and then walks toward the door as I climb out from under the sheet and pull my pants back into place.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance