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“Do… have you… um, my brother is outside with Rene. Do you want me to send him up after the pictures?”

I stifle my grin, while Tag suppresses a laugh.

“No. I’m about to come down. I just need to change, since this dress is a little messed up from the gravel. I was just about to do that when you walked in.”

His body stiffens as anxiety crosses over his face. I can see the worry in his eyes for what he thinks he almost saw, but he has no clue what he almost saw. I was damn close to caving and throwing myself at Tag.

“Yeah, I’ll… see ya.”

He rushes away, and the door clicks behind him as Tag walks back toward me with his predatory stalk.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Wren so rattled. Apparently I’m not the only one getting Ashed around here.”

Ashed? I don't think so.

“Oh hell no. Don’t turn my name into a verb like yours,” I huff while crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirks as he continues to strut toward me, and then he grips my waist in his hands as he pulls me against his lingering, damn near irresistible erection.

“Too late. You’re Tagged and I’m Ashed. Now, how do I make you comfortable enough to give up this game of cat and mouse?”

Keep looking at me like that, and it won’t take long to find out.

“Not happening. Believe it or not, I have a firm policy about knowing someone before I screw them. I don’t even know your last name.”

“That’s because you never asked. I’m a little pissed Bity has refused to mention even that much.”

It’s Masters. I know it, but I don’t want him to know I know.

“Masters. Now, what else do you need to know before I can make you give in?”

I fight back a giggle, and then I twirl free from his clutches as I head over to the closet where my stuff has already been neatly unpacked for me.

“You forget; I just helped you carry your dates out. You’re hot, but not hot enough to overcome that.” Surprisingly, I manage to sound convincing. Very slowly, I start unzipping my dress. “You can go now.”

I look over my shoulder to see him licking his lips with anticipation, making my budding excitement unfurl deep within my core. But I'll never tell him that. That's like striking a match in the middle of a room full of leaking propane.

“Not undressing until you’re gone, if that’s what you’re waiting for,” I poke, my eyes seducing him while fucking with his and my head.

He swallows hard as his jaw tenses, but then he grumbles something about this being ridiculous, and never having been so hard - I don't know.

“I’ll see you out there. We’ll start working on getting to know each other," he says in a clearer voice.



A bit of a smile and a spark of excitement flares in her eyes, but she turns away to dismiss me and hide the truth she can't wipe from her face.

This girl is getting under my skin, and I really don’t like it. I’ve never been turned down during that sort of situation. I know she wants me, but apparently I’m going to have to work even harder.

I smirk, feigning confidence, as I head out the door. Once it shuts, I lean against it and try to catch my breath. This is insane, and I’m feeling like a fool chasing her instead of being chased.

I’m not used to someone fucking with my head. It’s always the other way around. What’s this girl trying to do to me?

Chapter Two

Playing With Fire

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance