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n. "Still good?"

"Definitely," she says breathily, killing any worries I might have had about this going too fast for her.

"Yeah," Tag says into his phone. "She's safe... No, she was here all night... Where did I find her?" When Tag turns toward us, I see the mischief in his eyes. He's determined to embarrass the hell out of Raya. "Kade's bed."

Raya in my bed. I could get used to that.

"Oh no," she groans, embarrassed. She covers her head when I start chuckling.

But my laughter fades once the sight of her is gone and she's no longer distracting me. I can't believe Mom thinks I'd just leave Raya out there alone.

"Tell my mother I'd never let Raya wander the streets all night. I wouldn't have been here if she had been missing."

Tag smirks, but my breath gets caught in my throat when Raya starts kissing my side, letting her full lips drag across my skin. Early morning tease.

I start rubbing her back, prompting Tag to get lost with my eyes. The bastard doesn't take the hint. Raya's lips start inching toward my cock, her head moving under the covers and drawing Tag's eyes.

"You can get lost now," I growl, glaring at him when I see him thinking shit he shouldn't be thinking.

"I bet," Tag says knowingly, shutting the door behind him.

I jerk the covers back just as Raya's mouth takes me, making my breaths painful. Holy shit. I'm definitely ruined. Best. Morning. Ever.

Chapter Twelve

"It's been forever since you had a party. What the hell, Kade?" Brock asks.

I tuck the phone between my shoulder and ear as I dump the last of the tuna cans into the trash. I've been busying myself all day with meaningless tasks to keep my mind off why Raya isn't answering her phone.

She left earlier, wouldn't tell me where she was going, and now I'm starting to get worried. I realize we've only been dating for three weeks, but I don't like her keeping secrets from me.

"Sorry. I've been busy," I lie.

It's hard to share Raya right now, and a party takes up too much of my time. Not to mention, Raya isn't overly fond of parties. Maybe after some of the new wears off I'll get back to business. Right now I just want to enjoy this.

"You two are getting really close really quick," Brock says, surprising me. "Just don't let her control you."

I laugh, only because that's ridiculous. "She's not controlling me."

"Then why have you stopped hanging out with us and having parties? It's not a secret that Raya is a recluse. Now you're turning into one."

I roll my eyes while tying up the trash bag and walking it down to outside trashcan. It'd probably be wise to omit what I'm doing right now.

"I'm not a recluse. I had Raya's family thing, a week in Aspen, and then several other things to do. Then I've got work, too. Sorry. It's just been hectic."

My stomach twists in anticipation, waiting for Raya to get home. She needs to hurry. I can't wait to show her the vineyard.

"Whatever. Call me if you decide you want to go with us to Silk next weekend."

I hang up just as the door to the front opens. Finally.

"There you are," I say, grinning as she lifts her eyes to meet mine. But something's wrong.

When she wraps her arms around me and hugs me like she needs me, I get worried.

"You okay?" I ask when she trembles in my arms.

"I am now," she says softly, her body moving closer to mine.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance