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Exhausted, I fall to the bed, dragging her with me and wrapping her up as tightly as possible. I hope she doesn't plan on moving for a while, because I can't let go just yet.

"I've wanted to do that for so, so long," I say breathlessly, gulping down air like I can't get enough.

"You should have said something sooner," she murmurs, sounding high or drunk. Not sure which, but it feels damn good.

All I can do is snicker. But then her words from earlier come to mind, and I decide to clear some shit up.

"Don't ever say you're not good enough for me again, because I've never, ever once thought that. If anything, it's the other way around. I've been trying my damnedest to figure out a way to cross this... threshold."

She kisses my chest, and her small fingers start trailing lines over my skin. Damn, it feels good to have her touching me.

"The threshold has definitely been crossed—possibly ripped up and thrown away," she says with her sweet grin.

I start laughing, but then the front door opens and shuts. We both get still and quiet, acting like children who don't want to be caught in the act.

"If he gets back with Courtney, I'll kick his ass myself," Mom says angrily, making me roll my eyes.

But Raya gets tense beside, so I kiss her, reassuring her that there's no way in hell I'd choose someone else.

"He wants Raya. Stop being so dramatic. Kade's a smart boy. He'll figure it out. We need to meet Melanie."

Dad's an ass, but at least he's smart. No way in hell I'd ever date Courtney again.

"Fine," Mom grumbles. "I just need my purse. You may want to call Raya and make sure she's okay."

Raya and I discuss things in whispers as Mom and Dad leave, and I fill her in on most of the night, everything leading up to the bar. Finally, I make it to the point where I need to tell her how I feel, in case my demonstration wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry I lost it. I just saw you with Lyle... and I saw red. It was... stupid, but I've been falling for you for so long... it just.. I couldn't—"

Her lips find mine, silencing my ramble, and I pull her to me, needing as much as possible. Raya Capperton has just ruined me. There will never be anyone else who even comes close to making me feel this way.

Someone yells my name seconds before my bedroom door swings open.

"What the hell?" I ask in my dry morning voice, glaring at Tag like he's lost his damn mind.

He could have seen Raya—

Where's she at?

Hot breaths on my hip answer that while making my morning arousal painful. Picturing Raya's body in the light is already driving me mad.

"Sorry," Tag huffs, reminding me he's still here. "Your mother called and said Raya never came back last night. She's pissed at you, and your parents both went out looking for her. Her bags are in her room. For some ungodly reason, your mom thought she might have crashed with me at my place. I told her I knew you had it bad for her, and I'd never cross that line. She didn't believe me."

Tag sounds wounded, but I'm a little distracted by the fact my mother thinks I'd let my girl wander around Aspen. Actually, it pisses me off. But my ugly scowl involuntarily turns into a grin when I pull the sheet back, only exposing Raya's face that is dangerously close to my lower half.

Her eyes meet mine, and a sweet blush crawls over her cheeks, making her look even better than I thought this morning. Tag needs to go.

"As you can see, Raya is perfectly safe," I say smugly, not caring if Tag notices the fact that I'm naked. Maybe he'll leave quicker.

Tag bursts out laughing as Raya pulls the sheets tighter over her chest. Like I'd let Tag see her perfect tits. He'd stalk her if he saw them. And I'd end up killing a man I call family.

"Fucking finally," Tag says through his laughter.

"That's what I said," I say, giving Raya a grin.

She rolls her eyes while snuggling in closer to me, and I slide down to start trailing kisses over her face as Tag pulls out his phone. When my lips find hers, everything feels just as perfect as it did last night. No regrets. She doesn't regret it.

"Good morning," I murmur softly, unable to control my stupid gri

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance