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Erica rolls her eyes as though I'm the one not making any sense. Were we listening to the same conversation earlier? Because I'm pretty sure we weren't if she didn't hear the adamant stand Raya took against me staying.

"Raya has little confidence in herself, and she's far, far out of her element. Have you told her how you feel? I'm pretty sure she needs it spelled out, since you seem to give her a lot of mixed signals," she adds.

"Mixed signals?" I ask incredulously. "Raya knows. She's smart. I don't have to spell it out."

She rolls her eyes while skiing closer to the edge. I don't appreciate her condescension.

"Stupid," Erica sings, and then ducks off the side, skiing down like a pro.

Fuck the glove. I'm going.

Tossing down the stupid piece of shit that won't go back on my hand, I use the poles to propel me forward, and I race down the side of the mountain like there's an Olympic finish line waiting on me.

I pass Courtney like she's standing still, ignoring her when she calls my name. The wind strikes against me, making me thankful for the goggles. I didn't need them for the bunny slopes all day with Raya. Raya—every thought is apparently consumed by her.

Wren starts racing beside me when I catch up to him, but I've already built up too much momentum for him to compete this late in the game. It's annoying to keep dodging other skiers who are going at a more leisurely pace, and I curse a few who force me to skid sideways in order to avoid a collision.

Ski patrol will probably ream my ass for going this fast, but fuck them.

I reach the bottom finally, and tear away my goggles and my toboggan in one smooth motion. The others are still trying to catch up, so I use the opportunity to call Raya.

Voicemail. That pisses me off.

I start to send her a text, but decide against it. I'll just wait until Tag brings her to meet with us.

"Damn, dude. You trying to get yourself killed?" Wren asks, sounding breathless when he reaches me.

"Just skiing. Not like I haven't gone faster," I say with a shrug. "Where's the car?"

He rolls his eyes while pointing toward the lodge. "We'll take the Hummer."

I nod while skiing toward the lodge, prepared to dump my equipment off there. I'd rather leave everything at the house, but Raya might not come if I show up. Especially if she's pissed.

Is it really because I called her a friend? Are girls that damn complicated? Life used to be so much simpler.

By the time I get all my stuff put up, Courtney and Erica are joining us, laughing as though they enjoyed themselves. Wren walks with me to his ride, making his way to the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?" he asks as I climb into the passenger side of the Hummer.

I glance toward the back and then at him. "If you think I'm sitting back there with Courtney, then you're crazier than she is."

He bursts out laughing, making my lips twitch in amusement. It's always funny to watch Wren laugh. He doesn't do it as much since Erica's stunt with Bity.

Speaking of Erica...

"I guess I'm sitting back here?" Erica asks, climbing in behind me while Courtney takes the spot behind Wren.

/> "Yeah," Wren says, smiling as he starts backing out. "Kade says he gets carsick."

"Where are we going?" Courtney asks.

"A bar the locals use," Erica answers. "It's supposed to be less crowded than the lodge, and they serve some badass burgers. I'm starving."

It's bad when the promise of a good burger doesn't excite me.

The rest of the ride gives me a headache. I call Raya relentlessly, but she never answers. Courtney manages to monopolize the conversation—not that I want to join in. Everyone understands why I broke up with her by the time we get out. Vanity is her only trait.

"Damn, she's full of herself," Wren whispers to me as we near the bar.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance