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Everyone else starts collecting their stuff. Wren gives me an apologetic smile, probably feeling the anger rolling off me. Erica shakes her head, not making eye contact with me. Aunt Melanie never said a word, and now she's looking at me like I did something wrong. She needs to be giving Raya that glower.

Lyle Hughes, Courtney's brother, is with Raya at the bar. That bastard had better not even think about it. Then again, he doesn't have a shot in hell. Raya hates people with money. Except for Tag apparently. I hope he's ready to have me strangle him later.

I duck out of the lodge, ready to hurry up and get this shit over with. Later, I'll find out what the hell is wrong with her. I don't care if I have to pin her down and force her to talk.

"You're awfully quiet," Courtney says, standing far too close to me as I prepare to ski down the mountain.

"You're awfully perceptive," I quip, my mind completely focused on Raya and what all happened, while I struggle with my uncooperative glove. Did it shrink in the five seconds I took it off? What the hell?

She rolls her eyes just as Erica approaches, and I consider pushing her down the side.

When Lyle asked about Raya earlier, she talked her up, made her sound just as incredible as she is. Raya's too good for him, and Erica should have told him that. She's too good for me, too, but she's still mine. Even if she does want to fight me every step of the fucking way.

"Has Lyle come back up?" Courtney asks Erica.

"He left. Said he wanted to hit up a bar."

Good. I don't have to deal with that dipshit anymore.

Courtney looks from me to Erica, who looks like she needs to speak with me. Why does everyone insist I talk? I came, I've skied, and I've done what's expected. Someone else can run the conversation for once.

"This is my last go," I mumble, ready to just get back. "As soon as this damn glove gets back on my hand."

"Then we'll go out," Courtney chirps, apparently missing the big-ass sign I'm wearing that's telling her to fuck off.

"Tag's waiting, so this will be it for all of us. You want me to have him grab Raya on his way to the bar?" Wren asks, coming to stand behind Erica.

Maybe a beer would pull the stick out of Raya's ass. And she and I won't end up arguing in front of everyone. I'd rather be in a better place than we are now before discussing her switch flip.

"Are we not changing?" I ask, motioning to the fact we're still in ski stuff.

"Wasn't planning on it. You want to head in to change? The girls will take for-fucking-ever if we do," Wren groans, earning a jab to the stomach from Erica's elbow.

If I go back and Raya's still pissed, she won't go, and she might lock herself up in a room to stay away from me. She seems to be fine with Tag, so he might be able to lure her out.

"Tell Tag if he touches Raya, I'll break all ten of his fingers. One at a time."

Wren fights back a grin and nods as he heads to the side. Courtney frowns, probably just now realizing that Raya is more than a friend. I'll deal with that when I have to. No more pretending.

When she starts talking, I realize that time is apparently going to be now. "So, you and Raya—"

"Raya's not any of your business, and you should think long and hard before saying anything about her or to her. I'll see you at the bottom, Courtney."

The warning edge to my tone, which is accompanied by the not-so-veiled threat, is enough to shut her up, even though I can see the determined look in her eyes. She wants to know more, and well, she won't get it from me.

She drops off the side close to Wren, and Erica takes the opportunity to speak to me privately.

"It's because you called her a friend," she says randomly.

I look up from my war with my glove to see her staring directly into my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"When Melanie was talking about Billy and Ash, you said it was good to have a friend. You men are completely stupid sometimes. When a girl is cradled in your arms, dressed in clothes like that despite the freezing temperature, and is on a family vacation with you, the last thing she wants to be called is a friend. Then you had to go and say yes to Courtney."

Is she kidding?

"Raya and I are friends. All she has to do is say the word, and she knows I'm hers. And are you crazy? I all but begged to stay there with her. She refused to let me. She pushed me out here like she wanted me to be with Courtney."

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance