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Involuntarily, my eyes lower to Josh's gun, hoping it really is out of bullets this time—in case he points it at me again.

"Seriously, though," Jared says, still laughing at Mark's comment as he looks at me. "Don't tell Raya we were here. Especially now."

I really can't wait to get to know Raya a little better. This is definitely rousing my curiosity.

"You can't tell Raya we're scared of her either," Mark says, his voice carrying louder than necessary.

What the hell?

"It's not her. It's her—" Jared's words are cut short by Mark's elbow to the ribs, making his sentence turn into a loud umph.

Josh rolls his eyes while turning to me. "Let's go, pretty boy."

This place is trashed. Beer bottles, boxes of skeets, and so much more litter the open field we're in.

"Don't we need to clean this up?" I ask.

Josh waves his hand, swatting my question away.

"I'll do it later. Mom's already sent me four texts. Raya's worried and wants you back. Mom says she's pacing the house and driving her crazy."

Raya wants me back. I can't help but grin.

Josh studies me, but I can't lose my smile, even though I'm pretty sure it's only pissing him off. But surprisingly, he smiles, too. Then he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, you've got it bad. Come on."

I just chuckle as he gets in on the passenger side. I never would have thought I'd be laughing with him after the shit he put me through today. But the mere mention of Raya wanting me back has made all this madness worth it. One step closer.

We make idle chitchat on the way back, but by the time we reach the trailer, Josh is laughing hysterically. Apparently Bud is going to have to lie on his stomach for a while. Oddly enough, the weird group of friends find it hilarious.

I call it karma after all the times he shot at my feet today, so of course I'm laughing my ass off. When we pull up, I fight the urge to run inside and see Raya.

Josh pushes the door open after warning me once more about not telling Raya about the hell they put me through, which makes me laugh again. It's comical to see them all so freaked out.

I expect to see her in the living room, but she's missing. Her mother's smile is huge, making me wonder what all Raya has told her today.

"Where's Raya?" I ask, unable to help myself.

"She's in her room," she says, her grin only growing.

My brisk stride has me through the trailer in no time. Pushing through the bedroom door, I'm greeted by Raya's body lying face down, her head in the pillow, and her legs slightly parted. How am I supposed to behave when she's sprawled out like that?

I want to touch her. Need to. After this horribly tense day, I want to be as close as possible, so I go and drop to the bed, covering her body with mine and wrapping her up. She's been worried. Her whole body is stiff.

Josh deserves to be scared, and though I'm not stupid enough to tell Raya the truth, I can mess with him a little.

"Your brother is one crazy motherfucker," I murmur against her neck, enjoying the way her skin feels against my lips. Damn, I want to kiss her.

She starts laughing, so I respond the same way, laughing as well. Sadly, she thinks I'm kidding.

"You didn't get shot," Josh calls, making me burst out laughing for real as I think of the douche Bud. Raya laughs harder, but only because she thinks he's joking.

Josh really is psycho.

"Only because the gun jammed," I lie, scaring the shit out of Raya when she gasps.

"It's was a joke, Raya!" Josh yells, sounding truly panicked.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance