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"Not to mention, she'll interrupt poker night," Jared adds with a smirk, igniting a few more chuckles.

I start to ask questions as Josh moves to let Bud take over shooting. That bastard better not point that gun this way. Josh doesn't drop his gun, but he lowers the barrel to the ground. His eyes are serious, despite the newly lightened air.

Jared steps aside when Josh comes to me, looking determined to get something off his chest.

"Look, you seem cool enough, but Raya isn't the kind of girl who can handle being someone's fun time. You're rich, and I'm sure you've played this game on girls like Raya before. You've got balls of steel for coming here. You've got even bigger balls to have stuck the day out. Since you don't seem to be scared of a few shotguns, you should know I have a whole arsenal at my house."

I don't react. I can't because it'll provoke him. Someone's fun time? A girl like Raya? Never mind. I have to react.

My teeth grind as I crack my neck to the side. "If I had ever known a girl like Raya, I wouldn't be so fucking sunk. So to say 'girls like Raya,' you're doing nothing but pissing me off. If I wanted a 'fun time,' I'd throw a party. It's college. Someone always wants a fun time. If I didn't give a damn, I would've left the first time that stupid fucker over there shot beside my feet."

I point to Bud who whips around, gun in hand, and Jared, Mark, and Josh all yell at him to point it elsewhere. The drunken idiot does so. Thankfully.

Josh turns his attention back to me, studying me. Jared's amused grin doesn't go unnoticed, and Mark's grin bears the same intrigue. Josh doesn't scare me—as long at that gun stays pointed at the ground.

He finally nods slowly, seeming to digest my words. "Fine. But remember what I said. Don't fuck her over the way that tool did. It took her a while to recover from that."

The breath that comes out of me almost hurts after being held for so long. I passed the test. Thank God.

Ah, shit.

Suddenly the barrel of his gun is up against my crotch as Josh offers one last warning.

"If you screw around on her, you'll lose the ability enjoy life. If you know what I mean," he threatens, seeming to revel in the power he has over me right now.

I hold my composure, even though my cock is curled up and crying in fear.

"I wouldn't fight you on it."

Josh seems amused by that, but Jared has turned pale beside me.

"Christ, Josh! Put it away, you psycho ass," he scolds.

Josh rolls his eyes as he points the gun to the side, looking as though he's about to pull the trigger. "It's empt—"

His words are cut off as a boom erupts and the gun jerks around in his loosened grip, dropping to the ground just as a loud scream rings out. Yeah... My dick just fell into a fear-induced coma. That could have been me.

Bud is on the ground, holding his ass as he cries in pain. Josh's whole face turns white, and Jared and Mark look torn between being horrified or bursting out laughing.

"It's bird shot," Josh says quickly, acting as though that makes it okay.

The others burst out laughing—except for Bud, of course, who has pellets all in his ass.

My lips twitch, but I'm still recovering from the f

act my balls were almost blown off. I'm glad he didn't squeeze that trigger to prove a point when it was still trained on my manhood. I'm also glad I just emptied my bladder ten minutes ago. I'd have pissed myself otherwise.

Josh looks back at me as Mark and Jared go to pick up a wailing Bud, helping him to a vehicle.

"Oops," Josh says apologetically, his eyes flicking to my balls.

Oops? What the hell kind of Marine doesn't know when he's carrying a loaded gun?

Bud gets pushed into the back, staying on his stomach as the guys help him in, both of them still laughing at the man who is now crying.

"We'll take him to the hospital. Might not want to tell Raya you threatened to blow his dick off before she even gets to use it," Mark calls out, making Josh shake with anger.

Stupid dick. Why'd he go and say that?

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance