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"Yeah, why?" I ask, sounding genuinely perplexed by the question, even though I know exactly what she means.

I grab our bags, letting her watch me as much as she needs to.

"Primp much?" she says at last, pointing to the luggage.

I knew she was going to say something about me bringing two bags, and I knew she'd object if I told her beforehand what's in the second bag.

I just laugh, feeling better now that she's back to teasing me.

"One of my bags has a nice wine selection. There's a chiller built in to keep it the perfect drinking temperature. I started to bring a decanter, but I thought that might come off as a little pretentious."

I hope that didn't sound as smug as I think it did. Shit.

"Pretentious? No. We always decant our boxes of wine," she deadpans, making me think that over.

Decanting a box of wine?

I look over at her in time to see her smile edging up. Ah. She was joking and making fun of me. Got it. We're in her environment now, and I'm sure I'll catch a little hell. I'm loving it already.

I laugh while shaking my head, feeling like a bit of a gullible idiot.

"You really shouldn't have brought wine," she says more seriously.

I knew that was coming.

"I'm a guest. It's customary for the guest to bring the hosts a gift. I always bring wine. It's easy, and it's always a big hit," I reply while shrugging. I won't tell her I knew I'd need to suck up.

"Yeah, but my family isn't going to know the difference between the service station wine and the ungodly priced stuff you're probably carrying around. My stepbrother drinks the stuff right out of the bottle. Just... I don't know... We'll grab a pie tomorrow for you to give them."

She's so damn cute. She has no idea. Well, I'll surprise her with my secret soon. I've never wanted to take a girl to the vineyard, but Raya is the exception to that. I can't wait to take her.

"They can guzzle my wine. I promise, it's fine."

She starts to say something, but an ear-piercing squeal interrupts whatever objection Raya had. The source of the squealing is an attractive woman who's running down a porch that I'm worried might collapse. She grabs Raya, jolting her forward in an embrace that has to be painful, and I watch, fascinated.

I never pictured Raya's family to be so affectionate. I've never been big on getting touched. I make an exception for Granddad usually.

Then Raya came around, and I can't stop touching her. I feel like something's missing when we're not touching.

"Finally! I've missed you so much!" her mother says with an excited pitch.

"I've missed you, too," Raya chuckles, making my whole body warm.

I love that smile, that sound, that look of belonging. She's relaxed here. I want to make her that relaxed all the time.

I want to see her face, so I step to be in front of her. I regret that instantly. Damn she looks too perfect with that smile. Now I want to see that smile all the time. This girl could break an army and she doesn't even know it. She also doesn't know that she's already mine.

"And who the hell is this prime piece of perfection?" her mother asks, surprising me with her bluntness as she rakes her eyes over me, slowly taking in every inch.

Maybe the wine won't be necessary after all.

Raya's eyes mimic the motion, and I stand there to let them both appraise me. I'll let Raya look all day if she wants to. This is the first time she's ever openly acted this interested. I knew this weekend was a good idea.

"Kade Colton," I say when Raya shivers, reminding me she out here in shorts and I need to get her in. I extend my hand in offering.

"Handshakes are for strangers. If you're coming home with my girl, then you're family."

Her mother knocks my hand away as she pushes her bountiful chest against me and embraces me. This is uncomfortable, because affection isn't my thing, but I'm thrilled to know I'm already liked. It takes a hell of a lot of pressure off me.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance