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That stuns me. Where did that come from?

I slow my stride as an unbidden pang of anger unfurls. If she brings a guy, that'll mess up this charade and they'll torment her again. Not to mention... No. The only reason I'd be mad is because it messes with my plan of keeping her safe from harassment. That's it. Nothing more.

"Care if I ask who?" I force out, trying not to sound as pissed as I am.

I really shouldn't be getting this damn mad.

"Her name is Ember. She's not exactly one of your socialite elites, but she was nice-"

"That's fine," I interrupt, feeling air enter my lungs as relief washes over me. A girl. Just a girl. She can invite all the women she wants to. Just no men.

She does well to pretend not to notice the eyes on us as I hold the car door for her to get in. I quickly join her and we start the small journey to the coffee house.

"Don't you work at the coffee place?" I ask, just now realizing how much she's been at the house. It'd be nice if she'd go back to work so I could walk around again without worrying about her death glares.

"I did," she says with an adorable scowl as she crosses her arms over her chest in a sulking motion.

"O...kay. Anything you'd like to share?"

I shouldn't sound so amused, but she really is cute when she's mad at something or someone other than me. As long as she doesn't reach the point of tears. When the tears come, it's just heart-wrenching.

"Not really," she mumbles, not meeting my gaze.

Granddad crosses my mind. Weekends lately have been crazy, and he could really use an extra set of hands. The pay would be good. I've been handling most of the stuff from home, and Raya could do the same during the week. We could even go out there on weekends together when I don't have parties going on.

Christ. What am I saying? No. I won't offer that.

"Do you need a job? My granddad has a-"

"I don't need one right now. I have my monthly scholarship money. It's from my town church. They always pick a senior every year with good grades to give a scholarship to, and they pay it in installments. I'll be fine until I can find something," she interrupts, saving me from offering something I shouldn't.

At least she has money coming in. In all honesty, she doesn't really need anything much. Dad will buy her all she needs, and I'll buy anything he doesn't. I'm sure that wouldn't go over so well, though. She seems to get snippy about money. Not sure why it makes her so crabby.

When I pull into the coffee shop parking lot, her eyes go on a search. She visibly relaxes for some reason, which concerns me. What's she worried about?

"You cool?" I ask while getting out, watching her tireless eyes still scouring the lot.

"Yeah," she says distractedly before finally getting out of the car.

I wait on her to get in front of me before placing my hand at the small of her back, smiling at the way she shivers. I love that reaction, especially since she tries so damn hard to act as though she doesn't even have the slightest bit of attraction to me.

When we reach the doors, I move my hand to open one for her, and she quickly darts toward a booth, probably trying to escape me. Good thing I don't take hints. There are numerous people here I know, considering I saw all their cars in the lot. Now's the best time to make more people aware of this fake relationship.

I slide in beside her, biting back a grin when she looks at me like I've lost my mind.

"TV's up there," I say by way of explaining, continuing to act as though this is a natural thing.

"Then I'll sit over there," she murmurs, nudging me to move.

That won't do. If they see her move, questions will form.

"You're already sitting down. We came to talk, and you'll have to talk louder if you sit over there. Just stay where you're at. I don't bite."

I groan inwardly when she blushes. Why do I have to imagine her flesh between my teeth? Not good.

A waitress interrupts us to take our order as Raya squirms in her seat. When she leaves, Raya seems to fidget more as her eyes move around the coffee place, probably noting everyone staring at us in confusion.

Apparently this rumor hasn't been getting the attention I wanted it to. Barely anyone seems anything less than stunned, meaning they've not heard the firs

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance