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I feel myself relaxing when the lighter finally gives me a small flame. This day has been terrible, and this cancerous therapy isn't really helping as much as I wish it would.

Then I see her. Shit. Wait. What's wrong? Why is she carrying her bag like that? Is it broken?

Without thinking, I jog over to her, toss my barely-smoked cigarette to the ground, and ignore the few calls I hear from behind me when people try to get my attention.

The entire bag looks like it has been split open, and I feel my blood starting to boil.

"What happened?" I growl the second I'm close enough.

She jumps a little, seeming startled, but then she shakes her head, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Nothing. Joseph ran over me, my bag fell and broke open."

Her lip trembles ever so slightly before she pulls it between her teeth. That stupid motherfucker. I'm going to rip him apart.

Instantly, I start looking for him, hoping he's close by so I can finish what I started yesterday. Apparently I didn't make myself clear.

"Looking for someone?" she asks.

"Yeah. I'll catch up with you later."

I walk away, knowing which direction he should be in. He has Calculus with Mel. Damn girl talks about that class all the time. I swear I could give roll call.

It doesn't take long to spot him. His back is to me as he talks to someone I don't know. That doesn't stop me from grabbing his backpack and slinging him against the wall with it.

"Fucking shit, Kade," he panics, not having to turn around to know it's me.

But I force him to turn around so I can punch the other side of his annoying face.

"It was an accident! A fucking accident!" he pleads, his hands drawn up in defense.

I snort derisively while punching the shit out of him, leaving him to wail as he cups his spewing nose. Why does everyone always stop me? Hands are on me and pulling me back. One day I'll learn to get this done in private.

"I didn't see her. It was an accident! The backpack broke. I barely ran over her! I even promised to buy her another one."

I calm down just barely as I shake my head. "I'll buy her a new one. You stay the hell away from her!"

He trembles as I shrug off my restrainers, and I walk away, needing to distance from him before I kill the fool. The sight of Raya instantly makes me calmer, and I decide it's time to make sure everyone here thinks she's with me so they'll keep their distance. I'm sick of people screwing with her.

I've already told lies to sell the story, but I need to start giving them visuals. I'm pretty sure Raya wouldn't be happy if I shoved my tongue down her throat, but I can find ways to assert my false claim.

I frown when I study her ass in those jeans. That's not something I need to focus on. She's off limits for so many reasons. The metal slides across the roof of my mouth as swirl my tongue around, thinking of all the wrong things.

After giving myself a mental slap, I reach her just as a girl with pigtails walks away.

I drape an arm around her shoulders, delighting in the dumbfounded look she gives me, but I pretend as though the gesture is a common occurrence between us. This should sell it.

"I'm back. Let's go grab some coffee. I'm bored," I say, ignoring the stinging still in my hand.

She looks around, acting as though she's confused. "Why would you want to get coffee? With me?"

I laugh as I move her toward my car that is parked at the curb. I had to hit the gym this morning to avoid her before school. Sadly, like a coward, I even showered there so I could come straight here. Now I'm hanging on her. I'm starting to confuse myself.

"It's coffee, Raya. We live together, so we might as well get to know each other. It'll make it less awkward. Coffee is a start."

That sounded so perfect. How can she refuse a truce offering? She really can't. Damn, I'm good.

"I invited someone to your party. Is that okay?"

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance