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Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe something else interfered with our kiss and it had nothing to do with us. We'd never know if we didn't risk it, and after last night, I was tired of playing it safe.

Jared reminded me of who I was when I came here. I wasn't going to be defeated in my first short year of magic.

I couldn't just sit and wait on Tallis to come to me—mostly because I was pretty sure he had eternity looped into that time frame. I had to do something myself.

I didn't care if no one in the world believed me, I knew I was right. If I couldn't love Jared, then that meant something powerful—more powerful than anyone else believed—was holding me to Tallis.

I had to go see him. I decided it would be better to wait until everyone took a break for lunch, and then I could drive out unnoticed. Nervous and excited, I ran inside and changed into something nice. I fixed my hair and put on makeup quickly.

He hadn't even called to tell me happy birthday. Desmond had said that he hadn't talked to him in weeks, so it was possible that he didn't even know about my birthday. Desmond had been pretty much living with Ash lately. They weren't at her house today, though, so I thought that maybe she would be at his house. I could use that as an excuse to just show up. I would get his attention somehow.

I heard everyone coming in, and Gear yelled up the stairs to me.

“Aria? You hungry?" They were all laughing at their fun practice match.

"No. But thanks, Gear."

I knew they wouldn't think about my car cranking. People were always coming and going. I knew Amelia would know what was going on, so I had to swear her to secrecy.

"Amelia?" I called timidly, hoping to get her away from everyone.

"Yeah?" she asked warily, her tone telling me she already knew what I was up to. Stupid empathic abilities and bonds.

"Hey, can you come talk to me for a moment?"

I heard her heavy, reluctant footsteps coming up the stairs as soon I finished my question. I went to turn the music on to muffle any whispers. I wanted to be thorough, considering the party of immortals with super-hearing.

She walked in with wide eyes. "Aria, don't even think about it," she hissed.

Yep, she definitely knew what I was planning. "I have to see him, Amelia. What would you do if this were you and Henry?"

She sighed before groaning, "Probably something stupid, like you're about to do." She plopped down on my bed and put her head in her hands as she relented.

"You have two hours to check in with me, or I'm telling someone. Two hours is all I'm covering for you. If anything goes wrong, I'll never forgive myself."

I summoned up a great amount of willpower not to do a happy dance.

"Nothing will go wrong," I assured her. "I promise I'll be back before you know it. I'm just going to his house. I have to make him talk to me. I love him. I can't just sit around waiting on him to figure it out. There's a way for us to be together, but we can't figure it out if we stay apart."

I grabbed my stuff and threw it out the window.

"Be careful. Two hours," she reminded, keeping her words a whisper that I hope was lost in the loud music.

I climbed down the shaky lattice. This time I wasn't bested by my makeshift ladder. Already this plan was working out.

I ran to my car, ducking like a pathetic excuse for a spy every time I heard a noise. The new crests had been put in, so it wasn't like anyone could track my scent, and I wore a couple of talismans to help mask the slight trail I would leave behind.

I would be safe once I reached Tallis's house anyway.

I crept out of the driveway unnoticed, and I accelerated once I hit the road, feeling a tinge of victory for my small escape. On the way, I went over what I was going to say in my head. I had the perfect speech prepared by the time I pulled up to his house.

My stomach flipped over as my nervousness steadily grew. Suddenly, all the courage I had was gone. Now I didn't remember a single bit of the speech I had prepared. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

I got out of the car and walked to the front door, hoping my brilliant speech returned before I saw Tallis. I took a deep breath and knocked, wringing my hands as I waited.

Desmond opened the door with surprised eyes. That same surprise carried over in his tone.

"Aria? What are you doing here?"

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy