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Last night... I couldn't even process last night yet. It was my night of being a teenager, but there was no doubt in my mind where my heart belonged. I was a mess, but I was in love... just not in love with Jared.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say."

He smiled while sighing. "You don't owe me anything. I asked for one night and you gave me that. I'm leaving very happy. I'd be a little happier if you were to change your mind; however, I'm not in a position to complain right now. I hope I see you soon."

Another guy ran up, drawing Jared's attention. He smiled and waved him over to us. The guy was very built and had shaggy hair that looked wet. He spoke with a British accent.

"You want to ride with us?" the guy asked Jared.

"Nah, I have my jeep now. Jake brought it." Then he pointed to me. "Evan, this is Aria." Evan smiled and nodded in acknowledgement at me.


; But Evan's smile and steady gaze made me feel a little... weird. "You were right. She's cute."

Jared elbowed him in the ribs, and Evan gasped a little. But then he laughed as he continued in a teasing tone, "It's nice to finally meet the girl that Jared refuses to shut up about. I swear I feel like I already know you."

I felt a shade of blush crawl over my cheeks and stake their claim. Jared started to chase Evan, but he flashed away, his laughter lingering in his wake.

Jared turned back around, muttering curses.

"Well, that was a bit embarrassing."

I laughed a little and fidgeted around nervously. "Don't worry about it."

He rubbed my hand in his as he spoke softer. "I hope this isn't the end of our story together. I don't feel like it is."

If only Tallis would be this simple. Then again, we always want what we can't have—which was probably why Jared was so fascinated by me.

"I guess we'll find out one day." I tried not to let him see the emotion I was truly feeling. I wanted Tallis, and only Tallis. Jared was special to me, but not in the way my exploding half changer/half witch was.

He grimaced, though I wasn't not sure why. "Well, I should probably get going, as badly as I hate to leave you right now."

I smiled as I nudged him with my elbow. He relented, moving his body so that my elbow didn't get hurt.

"I'm sure you guys will have fun blowing off some steam. Then you can hang out in some random town and break some hearts. That's the normal way of doing things, according to Gear."

He laughed nervously as he responded a little less playfully than I had expected. "It used to be easier to break hearts. Now... not so much."

I looked at him with guilt-ridden eyes. "Jared… I—"

He stuck his fingers to my lips. Then he spoke softly. "I'm allowed to care about you, even if you don't want me. I'm fine with that for now. I got to have you in a way that he couldn't. Personally, I feel like a king. Right now I have hope—hope that you'll one day see the true match for you."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he stopped me again. "Don't argue with me. Just let me keep my hope. I'll miss you. Stay safe."

I warred with all the different things that needed to be said in that moment. In the end, I played it neutral.

"I'll be safe. You need to stay safe."

He laughed. "Don't worry about me, love. I can handle my own."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. His lips were gentle and his body was much cooler to the touch than it had been the previous night. I hugged him, soaking in his scent. His lips brushed mine, and he kissed me before I could object. It was a softer and more controlled kiss than the ones we had shared the night before.

He smiled against my lips before pulling back. "I couldn't help but get a good-bye kiss."

I just smiled at him, not denying him that little bit. He walked away slowly, and I stared at his back. I could tell he was reluctant to leave, but everyone needed him to be on that mission. I think he knew deep down that nothing would change even if he stayed. I loved Tallis. That was all there was to it.

Jared pulled down the drive and joined the convoy that had already started leaving. Everyone had a part to play in our world. I'd kissed a bodyguard/witch and survived. I'd kissed a burning-up blazer and survived. I'd be damned if I was going to let Tallis go without trying at least once more.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy