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"Get out of here now before I blow your heads off!" the drunken man threatened, waving his gun around like a child's toy.

Tallis gripped me tighter, as Amelia stepped forward cautiously. "Just go, guys. I'll be fine."

The drunken man backhanded her across the cheek, once again knocking her to the floor, and forcing her to yelp as she dropped. "You shut the hell up!" he growled.

In a complete blur, Henry went from my side to across the room, shoving the man violently into the wall behind him. I could hear part of the wall bust open upon impact. Henry had his arm pressed against the man's throat, choking him.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll personally rip your insides out and shove them down your fat, disgusting throat."

He threw the man to the ground, barely stopping himself from going too far. Henry picked up Amelia and put her on her feet before examining her bloody mouth, cringing when she winced.

He put his arm around her waist and moved her to the door. The drunken fool shook his head, grabbed the gun, and suddenly it was pointed at Amelia.

My train of thought? There was none. I ran out from behind Tallis's loosened grip and in front of Amelia.

"No!" I screamed, drawing his attention.

For the second time in my life, I was staring down the barrel of a gun. Tallis was back in front of me now, covering both Amelia and me.

Two loud bangs rang out in near unison. Time slowed as Tallis caught a bullet before it could strike me. Again, I could see everything going on, just like before. The second bullet exploded against Henry's stomach with the same glass-shattering effect that I had seen so clearly in Brazil when Tallis had been shot. Before I even had time to catch my breath, time resumed to normal.

The man blinked his eyes twice, unsure of what he had just seen. His wavering hand suddenly shook harder—almost unnaturally. When my eyes fell to Amelia, my breath caught in my throat.

She had the same look she had earlier when Elaina had started crying, only this time she wasn't projecting my emotions. I could feel it as clearly as if it was my own pain. Years of abuse and torment suddenly flooded my body, overwhelming me. The anguish was almost unbearable, and I was just catching the side effects.

The full brunt of her force was directed at the man. He curled into the fetal position, crying out as the pain consumed him. Bruises began forming all over his body, and his mouth began pouring blood. His face began turning red, then blue, like he was struggling for air. I felt something warm running from my nose. I reached up to wipe it and shuddered when I pulled back my hand to find blood on my fingertips.

Tallis swallowed hard as he wiped the red away from my lip.

"You have to stop her. If she makes him feel all of her abuse from over the years at once in its magnified volume, it'll kill him. Then the pain of taking a mortal's life will kill her, and possibly you, too."

His voice was calm, but the terror in his eyes betrayed his composure.

Stop her? How do you step between a rabid dog and its prey and talk sense into it.

Unfortunately, that was my only option. I fin

ally stepped between her and the man, and cautiously said her name.

I paused as she gave no reaction.

"Amelia, you can't do this. You have to control it," I said, making my voice louder.

It worked. She jerked her head up abruptly, and tears flooded her eyes. The weight of her power lifted, releasing us all from feeling her abuse.

"What'd I do? What's happening to me?" she whimpered, trying hard to keep it together.

I knew what it was like to learn about who you were in the most unconventional way. I could certainly empathize with her.

The man lay on the ground, gasping and choking as air finally started entering back into his lungs. He grabbed his throat while groaning. I had to get her out of here before he came to and provoked her again. I didn't want to chance my luck.

"Come with us. We can explain it all to you," I said softly.

She still looked stunned, almost in shock—which was understandable. Henry finally scooped her up when she seemed to be unresponsive, and he carried her outside to put her in the back of the SUV.

Amelia curled into Henry and rested her head on his chest. Tallis reached over and grabbed my hand after he backed away from the house and started driving toward home. I knew it wasn't a romantic notion, just a friendly one, but all those unresolved feelings slithered to the surface and begged for attention.

There were more important things to focus on in that moment. So I called Iris instead of dwelling on the unnecessary drama. I skipped unnecessary pleasantries when she answered.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy