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I was back to being worried about the problem on hand. I really didn't care what the child of a male witch and a female mortal became. I was just glad that my diversion had worked.

I didn't want his pity, or his guilt-ridden sympathy. I just w

anted to suffer discreetly and keep all of my pain a secret. This was a newfound way for my privacy to be stripped away. Being exposed was quickly becoming annoying. Apparently magic was getting a good laugh from kicking me while I was down.

"You have to go talk to her. She'll be most comfortable with you because of the bonding. If she truly has no idea about what is going on, then she'll need some serious support. Keep in mind how overwhelming this can all be. She'll probably need some convincing. We'll help you out if we can," Tallis said, his eyes focused on the sad little house Amelia had disappeared into.

I looked at the tiny dilapidating old house. It was white, sort of. The paint was almost peeled off completely, exposing the rotting wood. The yard was small and the weeds were almost knee-high. A tiny walkway was crackled into almost rubble.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, dreading what was to come. With nervous, trembling hands, I made my way to the door. I was new to all of this myself, so how was I going to explain it to her? I didn't even know such a thing could exist.

I tried to rehearse what I would say as I mumbled to myself, "Hey, Amelia. I just came to tell you that you're an empath. Oh, what is an empath you ask? It just means your mom was a witch that she had a baby with a mortal. Oh yeah, and I'm a witch, too, by the way. So is Henry and Tallis - well, mostly. We're going to have to fight to stay alive for the rest of our lives, because there's a mob of dramians lusting for power. Oh by the way, you're also bonded to me. Apparently my essence is so strong, that you couldn't resist the urge to reveal my private suffering to the whole school. That's right; you can force emotions on people."

I rolled my eyes as I sighed loudly. Then I continued mumbling to myself. "Yeah, she's not going to think I'm crazy at all. With any luck, I'll be locked in the nearest asylum by nightfall. I'm sure talking to myself isn't really helping things either."

I rolled my eyes at myself again, and lightly smacked my forehead.

I walked up the rickety porch and it creaked loudly, warning me to tread lightly. I could hear arguing, and then it sounded like someone was being slapped. Then I heard a thud, as if someone fell.

Worry crept up and turned into fear. I saw Henry climb to the front seat hastily, as if he was ready to run my way if I needed him to. Tallis shifted around uncomfortably. They must have heard it, too.

Duh, Aria. Super hearing.

I raised my fist and knocked gently on the pitifully sad, old door.

"Amelia, hey it's Aria." My voice was trembling just like my hands were now, as I continued tapping on the weak, brittle wood. I was worried it was going fall apart if I rapped too hard.

I heard some stumbling before the door creaked open very loudly. Amelia poked her head out and her eyes grew wide like she was terrified of the sight of me. She gently slid through the crack, acting as though she didn't want to open the door any wider.

"Aria, you shouldn't be here."

She looked so scared and embarrassed at the same time. My heart actually hurt for her, and in response, she gripped her chest. She really was linked to me. Or she was just feeling a similar ache.

"Amelia, I really need to talk to you," I said quietly.

"Tomorrow. I can't right now." Her voice cracked and I noticed her lip was swelling.

"Amelia? Is someone in there hurting you?"

Had someone already found her?

"No. Aria, you have to go now," she whispered.

"Amelia? Where the hell did you go, girl? You better get your ass back in here now!" a man yelled, slurring each word.

She ran back inside, leaving the door still slightly ajar. I listened to his voice as his words slurred worse. I couldn't understand anything he was saying now it because it was so muffled.

Then I heard another loud slapping sound, and I saw Amelia fall to the ground through the crack in the door. I didn't even think about it. I threw the door open and ran in, no plan of action. I heard a swishing sound, and suddenly Tallis was on my left and Henry was on my right.

There was a guy in his late forties towering over Amelia who was curled up in a ball on the ground. He was slightly balding and incredibly overweight. He was sweating profusely and he reeked of alcohol. Food stains littered his white shirt, and his pants hung low to accommodate his protruding gut.

“Who the hell are you, and why are you in my house?" he growled, staggering as he blinked rapidly, acting as though he was trying to see straight.

"We're here to take Amelia home with us," I said, feeling proud of the forcefulness in my tone.

Amelia stood up slowly. Her mouth was bleeding, her eye was turning black, and her lip was swelling even worse.

The man reached behind him and pulled a gun from the back of his pants. In an instant, Tallis was in front of me and his right arm was wrapped around behind him, pulling my front against his back. He was shielding me tightly, but I managed to peek around his arm.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy