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“More like wombmates.”

“Exactly.” Tonio’s sexy wink always made me flush more. “Is there anything else in the car?”

“Just one more load, I think. I can get it.”

“Good, because I’m going to start lunch.”

“Don’t you have class?”

“Not until two today. Want to learn how to make my world-famous empanadas?”

“Sure.” That sounded delicious even though my history in the kitchen was dicey at best.

“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done—unless you think we should call Denver first and ask if it’s okay.”

Tonio dodged the pillow I threw at him and jogged down the stairs.

“Wait, you’ve got to arrange the meat mixture in the center before you fold it over, or else it’ll go all over,” Tonio said. “Like it just did.”


“You’ve got to use a gentle touch. My grandmother used to say that we have to cook with amor, with love. You look like you’re about to declare war on the ingredients.”

“I’ve never done this before.” I tried pushing the ground beef crumbles back inside the thin dough, but it broke.

“You’ve never lived in a house full of guys before, either, but you’re doing well at that.”

I laughed. “Glad you think so.”

Tonio shaped three empanadas in the time it took me to butcher one. He raised a dark eyebrow at me. “Or maybe you have lived in a house full of guys before. You’ve been a bit tight-lipped about your past.”

I shrugged, playing around with the ruined mess in front of me. It was a bit like Play-Doh, though I wasn’t sure it was supposed to be. Still, it was nice hanging out with Tonio one-on-one. He was as easy to talk to as he was easy on the eyes. “I’ve never even lived with one man, let alone four. Well, my dad when I was really little, but I don’t remember much about him.”

Tonio’s dark chocolate eyes were sympathetic. “And after that?”

“My grandmother raised me after my parents’ accident. Then college, then a small apartment about the size of Denver’s bedroom, and now here. Well, unless you count the week at Clint’s parents’ place.”

“Which I don’t.” Tonio finished forming the rest of the empanadas and then whisked away the remains of my latest disaster.

“Where’d you learn to do that?”

“My mom. She’s from Mexico.”

“How’d she end up in Tennessee?”

“My dad’s from Chicago but was never really in love with the winters there. They moved here after they got married. They wanted a college town with a big backyard for my sister and me to play in.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yes, Veronica. She’s twenty-four. That’s the same as you, right?”

I nodded. “How’d you know?”

“I have Latin blood. We know these things,” he said with a perfect Spanish accent. Then he grinned. “I saw your license that first night when we were trying to figure out where you lived, remember?”

I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a bit strange?”

“Only the people who’ve met him,” a voice said from the living room.

I turned around and almost went into heart failure. Both twins were there, their bare chests glistening with sweat. Aside from their sneakers, the only things they were wearing were skintight bike shorts that outlined everything underneath them. And I do mean everything.

Austin strode past me, setting his helmet on the counter. The view was every bit as mesmerizing from behind, especially when he bent to pluck two water bottles from the fridge. He tossed one to Denver, who hastily shifted his helmet to his left hand to catch it. I couldn’t help staring, but not at the spectacular catch. The outline of Denver’s cock was so prominent that it may as well have had a spotlight on it. My gaze returned to Austin. The severely stretched fabric was so tight that I could probably pick his dick out of a lineup.

Austin’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he drained the bottle and then set it on the counter. He took in my expression and laughed. “You’ve seen us wearing less.”

“Yeah, but…” I trailed off, blushing. Did he realize that I could see the outline of every ridge, curve, and vein? “Um, I didn’t know you two liked to ride bikes.”

Denver sat down at the table and finished his own water. “It seemed like a good day for it since you had my car.” My automatic instinct was to apologize for inconveniencing him, but he held up a hand to ward that off. “I like to ride my bike. Besides, we needed some exercise.”

“But you work at a gym.”

“Working isn’t the same thing as working out.” Austin leaned against the counter. “What are you guys making?”

“Carbs,” Tonio responded, and Austin rolled his eyes. “Delicious, authentic Mexican carbs. You’re welcome to have some when they’re ready.”

“We’re good,” Denver said.

“Yeah, we’ll have all the time in the world for that kind of thing when our good looks fade,” Austin added. “That should be in what, thirty or forty years?”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic