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“Get someone to wrap that up?” Dario said to Eddy, “She might want that for breakfast tomorrow.” He winked at me and I couldn’t help but smile huge, eyes locking with his. His smile spread wide, too. Damn, he was hot.

Luc cleared her throat, “Okay, so you’re to the breakfast-planning part of the relationship…”

My eyes darted to her.

“Sorry, Angel, darling. Our brother tries to keep his love life private,” she rolled her eyes, “We don’t do private in this family. We haven’t had the pleasure of seeing anyone he’s dating in a very very long time so we had to barge in and check you out.” She looked to her brother, “She has the sisterly and stepmotherly seals of approval… from what we can tell. Right girls?”

“Right,” Tessa answered.

“Definitely,” said Lisa, which was odd since she seemed like she meant it but that didn’t actually go with the looks she’d been giving me.

“Gee, thanks a bunch. Your approval means everything,” Dare rolled his eyes. His two sisters laughed. He got to his feet, reached into his wallet, and dropped several bills on the table, “Dinner’s on me,” he said this to the girls and then he gave Eddy a chin lift.

“You wait for the food; I’m getting a smoke, alright?” he said to me.

I nodded. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, making me tingle all over, and then left the building. A waiter had appeared with Styrofoam containers and was transferring food from my and Dare’s plates to them. I put my new coat on and lifted my purse and then got to my feet, “It was really nice to meet all of you. The food was excellent, Eddy.”

They were all smiling at me.

“Hope to see you again,” Tessa said.

“Me, too,” I returned. The waiter handed me a twine-handled paper bag with the leftovers and I waved and then another waiter offered me a mint from the big bowl of mints on the bar as I passed so I popped it into my mouth as I left the building.

Dare was leaning against the hood of his car smoking and watching me as I came outside. His face held something intense. I couldn’t tell right now if it was anger, frustration, deep thought, but I had to look away from his gaze as it was so intense it gave me chills. He went around to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I gave him a shy smile and got in and put the doggie bag into the back seat with my mall loot. He closed the door and put his cigarette out in an ashtray that was affixed to the building.

We drov

e back to the apartment in silence but he was fidgety on the ride. When we got inside he walked like a man with a mission, “Follow me,” he said and marched directly to his bedroom. I put the doggie bag on the island and followed him and he dropped the shopping bags on the floor beside the bed and then spun round and reached for my face with both hands and then pulled me in for a kiss. It was a deep kiss with tongue and a sexy masculine moan and him holding my jaw with both hands. Then he let go of my face and started to unbutton my blouse. Whoa. Yes!

I absorbed the feel of his touch. He started to kiss my throat as he undid the last of the buttons of my blouse and then he found the button on my pants. Goosebumps rose all over me.

“Undo my pants,” he said against my throat and then let go of my fly and pulled his shirt over his head. My fingers fumbled with his button fly jeans.

As I got his pants undone and pushed them down over his hips he pushed my blouse off my shoulders and as the blouse floated to the floor he quickly got my pants down my hips. I yanked them down the rest of the way and stepped out of them and my shoes. He stepped out of his, walked me back against the bed and then I was on my back and he was on top of me, kissing me. I ran my fingers through his thick blond hair and he let out a deep and sexy moan.

“What’s your name,” he breathed against my ear and then took my lobe between his teeth.

“It’s Angel, Master.” I whispered.

“It’s not,” he grunted and then slid his hand into my panties, “Tell me.”

“It is now,” I said, my mouth opening into an O at where his fingers just went. He hit the spot. Oh lord.

“Tell me or I’ll spank you,” he grabbed my collar.

I might come from words alone.

“Oh, please spank me, Master,” I whispered, and I had goosebumps everywhere. “Holy fuck,” he answered and his hand left my underwear and then he rolled us, then he hauled off and slapped my ass.

I squealed, “Oh yeah.” I was elated. He was absolutely a dominant in the bedroom and I could see he was totally getting off on giving me what I wanted. It got me off. It was perfect. This was precisely what I needed in a sexual partner. You wouldn’t think that after all I’d been through but it still was. Maybe that wasn’t healthy for me with what I’d been through but it was who I was, who I always was. I used to be spunky outside of the bedroom but in it I always wanted a dominant male. I wanted to please him, wanted his directions on how to do that. He slapped my ass again and then hauled me back by the collar and his eyes were ablaze. He was panting, his chest heaving, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

I gulped, thinking he was upset. He wasn’t. He really wasn’t.

“Your words make me so fucking hard, baby. Keep talking dirty to me.”

“Can I please suck your cock, Master?” I panted, “Please? I haven’t forgotten how good it tastes. Please can I suck your beautiful cock while I play with my clit?”

His eyes rolled back and his jaw dropped. He regained composure and gave me a heated glare, “Don’t you dare make me come before I’m even inside you.”

Tags: D.D. Prince The Dominator Erotic