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He shook his head, took a sip of his water, kept jiggling his legs, clearly annoyed with me.

A waiter brought warm bread and a platter with meats, cheese, and olives and put it between us. Another waiter came with a bottle of wine and poured two glasses of red.

We were quiet, eating from the platter and he had a few lighthearted conversations with staff who came by setting up nearby tables for dinner. As the waiter brought over two plates heaped with spaghetti with meatballs three very attractive women rushed toward the table.

“Hi ho, Dariiiiooooooo,” one of them sang out and Dare looked up and then went, “Ah for fuck sakes.” He put his palm to his forehead and stared at the ceiling.

Two were clearly sisters, maybe even fraternal twins, short, almost identical. One was blonde and the other had a blonde on top, dark on the bottom ombre. They were both petite but they looked like Dare. His sisters? Behind them was a tall and strikingly beautiful brunette.

One of the sisters was greeted by Eddy who kissed her and then said, “Sorry, man. They found out.”

“They found out,” Dario repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The two sisters were laughing mischievously. The taller brunette was just looking at me. Her eyes were on my throat. My hand covered my collar protectively. It would look to anyone who didn’t know better like a choker necklace and it matched my blue sapphire stud earrings and bracelet and I knew they were beautiful pieces of jewelry but I felt self-conscious at the way she was looking at it.

“Luciana. Luc for short. Short like me. I’m Dare’s baby sister,” The one on Eddy’s arm laughed and reached out and shook my hand.

“Angel,” I replied softly. I glanced at Dare and he shook his head in dismay.

“I’m Tessa,” the sister with the ombre reached over and shook my hand, “That’s Lisa. Wicked stepmother.” The two girls laughed.

Lisa gave me a nod but she didn’t smile. A waiter and a busboy came over with another table and put it against our table.

“Fuck,” Dare muttered. The three girls sat.

“Sorry, man. She got it outta me,” Eddy said.

I looked at Eddy and then to Dario. He rolled his eyes and drank the balance of what was in his wineglass back.

The waiter came by to fill their water glasses.

“Wine for me,” Tessa said and then her eyes got bigger, “What the heck, Dare? Are you…are you in jeans?”

“Holy shit, he is! Cranberry juice for me,” Luc said and then glanced to me, “I’m nursing. It’s been years since I’ve seen you in jeans, Dare. What happened? Drycleaners closed?”

Dare rolled his eyes.

“Just some sparkling water’s good.” said Lisa.

“She’s preggers,” Luc added, looking at me.

I smiled and said, “Congrats” to Lisa and took a sip from my wineglass. She gave me a smile but it didn’t touch her eyes. I felt a little self-conscious.

“So…” Luc said, looking at Dare, “How’d you two meet?”

“None of your business,” Dare answered with an eyebrow raised at her in warning.

Luc looked at me and rolled her eyes.

“Awe c’mon. Is this a first date, third date, what?” She looked at me when her brother didn’t answer. His jaw was clenched.

I laughed nervously and sipped my wine.

“It’s a none-of-your- business, you pain-in-the-ass date. We need to go, actually. You done, baby?” He looked at me.

My body tingled at the endearment and that he’d referred to it as a date. I had only had a few bites but had already gotten my fill on the appetizers and the bread. Besides, he clearly wanted to go.

“I’m good,” I answered and wiped my mouth.

Tags: D.D. Prince The Dominator Erotic