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Before we can move to get drinks, Grady Jackson appears. He kisses Charlotte on top of her head before setting a tray of shots in front of us. “Thanks, babe.” Charlotte tilts her head back to look at him.

“Love you, Charlee,” he says, not bothering to lower his voice.

He’s gone just as fast as he appeared. Our entire table turns to watch him leave. He’s sitting with Tucker, Ryder, Malcolm, and Grayson. My heart rate kicks up at seeing Grayson out. It’s not something he often does, and I know it’s going to take extreme effort to keep from drooling over him all night. I make a mental note to limit the amount of alcohol I consume. I need to keep my wits about me.

“You’re drooling,” my sister leans in to whisper.

I wipe at my chin, making her laugh. That’s when I realize I’m the only one still staring at their table. My cheeks flame with embarrassment. I grab my shot from the tray, tilting it back.

So much for limiting my alcohol.

“So…” Charlotte grins. “How about we talk about the latest edition of the MC Scoop?”

I groan as the table hoots with laughter. Eyeing the tray, I see there is one shot left. I grab it, tilting it back, then slamming it on the table. “Let’s not.” I grimace. My friends get the hint and leave me alone. I try my best to not look in the direction of the table the guys are sitting at, but it’s really difficult. Instead, I keep emptying my glass and refilling it. Over and over again.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been this wasted.

Chapter 4


The girls are spending the night with my parents. I was resolved to a night of cleaning the house, getting caught up on laundry, and sleeping in. When Ryder called telling me everyone was getting together at Pony Up, I tried to decline. He wasn’t having it. Apparently, he ran into my parents and the girls in town, and they told “Uncle Ryder” they were having a sleepover with Nana and Pop.

So, here I am. Sitting at a table in the back so that Tucker and Grady can keep an eye on their women. Not that I blame them. I did the same thing with my late wife more times than I can count.

“Damn, the Abbott sisters are looking good tonight,” Malcolm comments. “When did Lenora get back in town?”

“Today,” Tucker answers. We all turn heads to look at him. “What? My girl talks, I listen.” He shrugs.

“Pussy.” Grady coughs the word into his arm.

“Right.” Tucker tosses his head back in a laugh. “Like Charlotte doesn’t have your balls in a vise.”

Grady grins. “It’s fun, right?” he asks.

“Every fucker in this place is watching them,” Ryder grumbles.

I look at my best friend, trying to get a read on him. I know he’s struggling with the fact that his ex-wife is in the center of the group. Olivia is beautiful, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Those two have more history than the actual History Channel. He doesn’t talk about it, not anymore. They've been separated for a while now. I know he still loves her and that damn bird of theirs. I’ve tried to tell him to let the petty shit go, but here he sits, still brooding.

I know what it’s like to have the love of your life and lose her. Not just in a separation, but to have her no longer walking on this earth. That shit cuts deep, and if I could give any of these guys a piece of advice, it would be to remember that. Life is short, more for some of us than others. Live and love each day as if it could be your last.

“Let them have their fun,” I tell him.

He glares at me, but it doesn’t faze me. I know he’s hurting and stubborn as hell. I’ve been where he is. I’ve lived through the pain of losing the woman I loved. I know the hell he’s living through, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

“That’s right, seems like you’ve staked a claim to Laken.” Grady smirks.

“Fucking Tate,” I grumble, and the guys all laugh. Thankfully, that’s the end of talking about Tate and her damn gossip column. The joys of living in a small town.

“I need another,” Tucker says, standing.

“I’ll go with you,” I tell him, pushing back my chair and standing. I follow him through the crowd and stop to stand next to him at their table as he checks in on Justine.

“Good to see you, Grayson.” Justine waves at me.

“You too.” I nod. I scan the table and notice Charlotte is staring off in the distance. Following her gaze, I see her eyes are locked on Grady as he talks about something animatedly with Malcolm.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance