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“So, Pony Up?”

“Yes. Justine is picking me up at seven, but I’ll call her and tell her that we’ll meet her there. I’ll pick you up. This is your night to cut loose. And it’s long overdue, Leni. Mom and Dad have Trace covered. You get to cut loose, and I’m here for it,” I say, making her laugh. “Go get ready. I’ll be there around seven.”

“Fine.” She pretends to be irritated. “You twisted my arm.”

“You’re damn right I did. See you soon.” I toss my phone on my bed and do a little dance around the bed. I can’t believe they’re home. Finally. I’ve missed my sister and my nephew. He better get ready for Aunt Laken to spoil him rotten. I mean, I do from afar, but having him close is so much better.

Pulling up to Mom and Dad’s, I climb out of the car and rush up the steps. Well, not really rush, this denim skirt and these ankle boots don’t really leave room for rushing, but I do hustle as much as my outfit will allow. I don’t bother knocking as I push open the door.

“Where is my favorite nephew?” I call out. I hear Trace’s sweet laughter and follow the sound.

“I’m in here!” he replies, laughing.

I make my way to the living room, following the sound of his laughter, and he rushes me, wrapping his little arms around my waist. “You have to stop growing,” I tell him, returning his embrace.

“I missed you, Aunt Laken, and guess what?”

“What?” I ask, running my hands through his hair.

“We live here now.”

“What?” I feign shock.

His little head bobs up and down so hard I’m fearful he may have whiplash. “We do.” He turns to look over his shoulder at my sister. “Right, Mommy?”

“That’s right, sweetie,” Lenora replies, tears shimmering in her eyes.

“Well, I think this calls for a sleepover at Aunt Laken’s house.”

He gasps. “Can we do that?” he asks.

“Of course we can. Not tonight. I’m taking Mommy to dinner, but soon.”

“Yes!” He jumps up, throwing his hands in the air as he cheers.

My throat swells with emotion. I knew I missed them, but I didn’t know it was this bad. I step away from Trace, and my sister sees me coming. She stands, and we hug each other tightly. “I’ve missed you,” I whisper.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“And me.” Trace squeezes his little body between us, making us laugh.

“Definitely you,” I assure him, stepping back.

“Trace, you be good for Mamaw and Papaw,” Lenora says in her best mom voice.

“I will.”

“You ready?” I ask her.

“So ready.” She smiles.

After another round of hugs, we’re out the door and on our way to Pony Up. I’m barely out of the driveway when she mentions the MC Scoop.

“Please tell me Mom and Dad didn’t see it.”

“Of course they did. How do you think I knew about it? I’m the new girl in town, remember,” she replies.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath.

“Relax. Mom was excited, and Dad just said that Grayson is a good man.”

“We’re not together!” I protest.

“I told them that. Apparently, Tate has a knack for fishing out information and reporting it, and usually, she’s spot on when it comes to relationships.”

“Seriously?” I ask her. “Let me guess, Mom told you that?”

“Yep. I guess she nailed it when it came to Wyatt and Sadie, and even Justine and Tucker. According to Mom, the list is a mile long of her love connections.”

“What? That’s absurd. She doesn’t make love connections.”

“She might not make them, but it sounds like she might be good at sniffing them out.”

“Well, she’s sniffing up the wrong tree this time.”

“It’s barking up the wrong tree, and I don’t know… sounds like she has a talent for this kind of thing.”

“Can we forget about Tate and the MC Scoop?”

“If you say so.” She grins, then smashes her lips together, pretending to zip them up and throw away the key.

“No way!” Justine shouts as we walk through the door of Pony Up. “Leni!” She pushes back on her chair and comes rushing toward us. “It’s so good to see you,” she says, wrapping my sister in a hug.

“Good to see you too, Just,” Lenora replies.

“Come sit. And you—” Justine points at me. “How dare you keep this from me.” There’s no heat behind her words.

“I just found out myself. She called and asked if we wanted company.” I shrug. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Hell no, I don’t mind. Come on, you two.” She links her arms through both of ours and leads us to the table where our friends Olivia and Charlotte are already sitting.

“Hey.” Lenora waves.

“Good to see you,” Charlotte and Olivia say at the same time and dissolve into a fit of laughter. It appears they did a little pregaming with the alcohol before we got here.

“Get me some of what they’re drinking.” Lenora grins.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance