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“Please don’t,” I laugh, not putting it past him. I don’t know why, but Levi and Benny never quite got along. If I had to guess, I’d say it was because Benny was too protective of me for Levi’s liking. Levi felt like that was his job and Benny was infringing on something that wasn’t his. I think after a while it became a joke to Benny, and he started to do things to piss Levi off . . . like what he’s thinking about doing now.

“He’s lucky that you’re like my sister and the thought of kissing you sort of grosses me out.” He turns his nose up as though he has a bad taste in his mouth. I scowl, slapping him on the arm, which just makes him laugh harder.

“Get out of here. And be good to Ivy; she’s all I’ve got left.” I start to climb out of the car when Benny catches my hand.

“Do you have your pills?” I cock my head to the side adoringly. This man is going to make some woman very happy one of these days.

“Yup, I’ve got them in my purse.” This last chemotherapy treatment was little bit harder on me than the first. I actually threw up a few times during my treatment, and they ended up giving me extra fluids so I wouldn’t get dehydrated, along with some anti-nausea medicine. The nausea has been coming in waves for the past few days, but it’s the fatigue that’s bothering me the most. I’m tired all of the freaking time.

Some days it takes absolutely everything I have to get myself out of bed. The other night, Luke came over at five o’clock for dinner and I had already passed out on the couch. I’ve tried drinking some energy drinks, but all they do is make me feel jittery and I’ve got enough crap going on—I don’t need to feel like that too.

“Good girl. Call me later and I’ll come pick you back up.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Levi’s voice is thick and raw, causing goose bumps to break out along the back of my neck. He steps up behind me, a hand planted firmly on the small of my back, and leans down so he’s eye to eye with Benny. “I’ll bring her home when we’re done. If I’d known she needed a ride, I would have come and gotten her.”

Benny cocks an eyebrow at Levi and I clear my throat, catching both of their attentions. Benny shakes his head and puts my car in reverse. “Lane, call me if you need me.”

“Sure thing. Thanks, Benny.” I shut the door and he drives off, leaving me in the middle of the parking lot with a brooding Levi, which is never a good thing.

“Why does he have your car?” Levi’s face is red and his thumb is toying with his bottom lip.

“Why, Levi”—I chuckle—“are you jealous?”

“No,” he answers quickly. “Why the hell would I be jealous of Benny?”

I offer him a bemused smile but decide to drop it. I can tell he isn’t in a joking mood, and I want to have fun today. I can’t wait to see what he has planned for us.

“Benny is changing the oil in my car, that’s all.” Turning around, I walk in the direction of Levi’s truck and he falls in step beside me. “It’s not a big deal.”

His fingers run through his hair, mussing it up, and I nearly trip over my own feet. He’s too sexy for his own good. It should be a crime to look as hot as he does. “I know,” he huffs. “Let’s get out of here.” He opens the door of his truck, offering a hand to help lift me up. Once I’m in and buckled, he shuts the door and jogs over to his side before climbing in.

“Where are we going?” He looks over at me with a smile, his cerulean eyes dancing with happiness . . . much different from how they looked just moments ago. I smile back, simply because there isn’t any other choice.

“You’ll have to wait and see.” Levi fishes his keys out of his pocket and starts his truck. Then he makes one last check in his rearview mirror and off we go.

“I love surprises.” Rolling the window down, I stick my arm out and lean back in my seat.

“I know you do,” he says quietly, sparing me a quick glance. I cringe, internally berating myself for bringing up the last time the two of us talked about surprises. That was a horrible night, and the last thing in the world I want is for him to be thinking about that.

“Well, it hasn’t changed. Plus, you’re starting a trend here. This is two surprises in two weeks. If you keep this up, I’m going to start expecting it.”

Like a good boy, he keeps his eyes on the road, but a soft smile splits his face. “Duly noted.”

Leaning forward, I flick on the radio and Chris Daughtry’s sultry voice floats through the speakers. “I love this song.” Relaxing in my seat, I close my eyes and let the lyrics from “Home” seep inside of me. Levi is humming, and if I thought lying next to him and looking up at the stars was heaven, then I was sorely mistaken—this is heaven.

“Laney—” Someone touches my shoulder and I startle awake.

“Hey. Sorry,” I say when I see it’s just Levi. “I guess I fell asleep. How long have you been driving?”

His brows furrow. “Not long. Fifteen minutes. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

“You’re always tired. And you don’t look that well.” I cock my eyebrow and he quickly continues, “You just look tired and you have dark circles under your eyes. If you’re not up for this, I can take you home. We can do it another time.” His words are laced with genuine concern and that warms my heart.

“No.” I shake my head. There is no way I’m going home. I’m not letting this monster stop me from doing whatever Levi has planned. “Where are we anyway?” Sitting up in my seat, I look out the window, effectively dismissing any further talk about being tired or going home. SENIOR CENTER is written in large black letters across the front of a building and I look at Levi. “You brought me to a senior center?” I ask dryly, giving him a curious glance.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover, Laney.” He smirks at me as he turns off the truck. Then he hops down and walks over to my door, opening it for me. I take his outstretched hand and when I jump out of the truck, my body slides down the front of his, and he sucks in a sharp breath.

Tags: K. L. Grayson A Touch of Fate Romance