Page 10 of A Favor

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He had let go of my hands at some point and before his words would have shocked me, I would have blushed. Now I revel in his words, in his enjoyment of my body. A hand slides over his cheek and he turns into my touch. The peaceful quiet is broken by the alarm on my phone going off and I swear, this isn’t fair.

Sam leans down kisses my cheek, “It’s okay, baby.”

“No, it’s not, Sam. I want to touch, please.” My hands slides down his cheek to his chest and my pussy clenches at the feel of his skin beneath my hand.

He moves so fast my head swims, in confusion, one minute we’re on the couch and the next I’m up in his arms being walked to my room. “Zoe, I want you very much but it’s not going to be something quick and fast. When we make love it’s going to be slow and easy and not with a clock on us. Get ready for work.”

Sliding me down his body I feel just how hard he is for me and I cling until he moves away. The door to my room closes with a soft click and a moan of longing escapes me.

Chapter Eight

“Can I help you?” I ask when I find him in the kitchen preparing what looks like another scramble, like he had made yesterday.

Shaking his head, he smiles. “Not a good idea, have a seat, it’ll be a few minutes.”

Sad, but understanding I nod and get a cup of coffee and sit and watch him work from the kitchen table. A few minutes later and he’s setting down a plate for each of us. We eat quietly and quickly, the quiet feels comfortable between us. He finishes before me and rinses his plate and puts it in the dishwasher along with the other items he used. I’m only a few minutes behind him and I’m drying my hands when he comes back from his room.

“Can I bother you tonight? I need to go shopping, I didn’t pack much. Taylor said jeans, cargoes and tee shirts are fine for training but I only brought along two pairs of jeans and two tee shirts.”

“Sure that won’t be a problem. Let me guess from that look on your face you don’t like to shop and we’ll be in and out in fifteen minutes?”

“Yes, like most men I hate shopping.”

“I understand and I agree. Unlike most women, I hate shopping but I think we’ll get through it.”


The drive isn’t so bad this morning and we make it there quickly. It’s not until we’re in the elevator and the numbers are lighting up it hits me, and I stiffen. The elevators open on the fifth floor and I step out tugging my lip from inside my mouth. My worry is so deep I’m barely aware of Sam pulling me close until he presses his lips against mine gently.

“Hey, what’s the matter?”

“What if Dr. Keno says no? Taylor won’t care how bad he needs you, if Dr. Keno doesn’t think it’s a good idea he’ll say no.”

“It will be fine. Yeah, I was diagnosed with PTSD but I also had some great therapists and EMDR that helped. Taylor told me Keno specializes in that, he’ll know all of it.

I don’t regret what happened or the way my career ended. I’d do it all again without hesitation. My regrets are about what happened before I went into the Army and that won’t keep me from doing my job.”

I’m so relieved I sag against him. His hands go into my hair and he pulls me up for a kiss. It was supposed to be a kiss of reassurance but it went much hotter than that very quickly. After this morning, I’m done hiding my need and want from him and myself. I kiss him the way I’ve been longing to since that first day. Greedy and hungry for the taste of him, our tongues tangle but as he’s about to pull away I claim his tongue and suck him deep into my mouth. He growls low in his chest and I’m thrilled at the reaction until his hands tighten painfully around my arms. I moan in pain and instantly he pulls away, his hands falling to my waist.

We are both gasping for breath and his head is against mine, “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Just give me a minute here.”

His breath is shaky and my knees are barely holding me up, I understand completely and try not to be smug about how badly Sam wants me. He’s so beautiful, scars and all and he wants me so badly he’s trembling with it. If nothing else, he’s doing amazing things for my self-confidence.

When the elevator pings open I take in a sharp breath and step back.

“Zoe, Sam, good morning. Dr. Keno’s waiting for you, just around the corner. Zoe, Elissa made pretty good headway on Robert’s prospect, you won’t need to do much more on it.” Taylor keeps walking and my eyes follow him, wondering what he saw w

hen the doors opened. I turn to follow him and then remember Sam. Quickly, I go up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek and then I follow Taylor.

Chapter Nine

I’ve barely hit my chair, all my thoughts on Sam and his session, when Taylor tries to get my attention.

“Zoe, hey, Zoe are you alright?”

Taylor is in front of my desk and I’m trying to focus on him. “Yes, of course, I’m sorry. I’ll finish the calls on this guy. Thanks for letting me off early yesterday, by the way.”

“No worries, you earned it. Here’s Sam’s file. Once he’s done with Keno take him down to human resources and they’ll do the paperwork and take him from there for a few hours. Tomorrow he’ll start at the training facility, because he’s the new guy he’ll be doing the overnight shift and he’ll be due there from ten in the evening until eight in the morning.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic