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She ran her hands through his still-thick hair, which was beginning to glisten with grays at his temple, and smiled. “Ten years and you still can’t believe it. Be honest—there was a tiny part of you that didn’t think we’d make it this long. Mr. Fifty Percent of Marriages End in Divorce.”

“Actually, sweetheart, I never doubted us for a second. It was like you said: the fifty percent who married for the right reasons, those were the ones that would make it. I’m not going to lie and say having kids didn’t scare me a little, that it would change things between us. Of course it has, but it feels like a natural evolution. I also kind of like them a lot, gotten pretty attached to them. I love the way Sam has your giggle and Evan tilts his head just like you do. They changed things, and us too, made you more patient and me less work focused.

“It has also made the moments when we’re alone that much more special. I’m also proud of you for being such an amazing mother and not forgetting how to be my wife.”

In the years since the twins came, she had been intent on making sure that Paul never felt forgotten or unattended. At least twice a week he tried to work from home at least a half-day, and weekends were strictly for her and the kids. He was always thoughtful and supportive of her needs and the children. She hadn’t wanted to become one of those women who got wrapped up in their children and forgot their husband. She’d also done her best to keep fit, and even though she’d gone up a size and worried about it, he’d made it very clear that the few pounds only added to her appeal, as they’d gone to his two favorite spots: her ass and her breasts. It hadn’t been easy—some weeks they only managed once or twice a week, and those were usually quick and furtive couplings. But no matter what, she often found the time to go down on him. He’d whispered that he was thankful but her mouth was always second best to being inside her body. She’d understood, because it had been hard on her too, missing the feeling of him inside her. So she’d taken more care to make sure the twins were on a tighter schedule of sleep, and she wasn’t quite as exhausted at the end of the day. With that she was better able to function in the evening for Paul—not just sexually, but as his companion.

As the twins got older, she’d taken to leaving them in the care of Dora for their afternoon naps and going to Paul’s office for longer sessions. The first time he’d been surprised and then thrilled. It had felt like their first year together all over again.

“Come on, sweetheart, it’s time to get packed. There won’t be much need for clothes in the Caymans, though. The home we’ll be staying in is private and right on the beach. Although I guess there will be times when we might need to leave to get supplies.”

“No way,” she said. “We are loading up on supplies on the way from the airport, and it will just be us all week long. I have it all planned. The realtor was very helpful.

“I do have some packing to do. I bought a few select pieces you don’t get to see until we get there. Even though I won’t be wearing them for long, I think you’ll like them,” she said as she led him to their bedroom.

His Hostile Takeover

Ellie Shaw has been in love with Greg Turner since she first met him at sixteen. It doesn’t matter that now, at twenty-four, he still treats her like a kid sister, Ellie still loves him. So why does her body go haywire when she first meets Dmitri Markhoff? Dmitri is taking over the company she has worked so hard to keep going, and Ellie isn’t part of the bargain. Okay, she needs the job as a personal assistant he’s offering, and it’s only for three months. That’s more than enough time to save money so that once the three months are up she can support herself while she finds another job. When the three months are up she will be back in Alexandria and back near Greg. She loves Greg. Hormones and never having been touched are all that are making her feel the way she does about Dmitri. She’s sure of it. Besides all of that, men as gorgeous as Dmitri Markhoff don’t look twice at women like her, who wear a dress size in the double digits—they go for size-zero models.

Dmitri Markhoff is a ruthless corporate raider and has long given up on soft feelings for women. He enjoys their bodies, and pays for it in diamonds and other trinkets. All he wants is Elise’s lush body, which has the kind of curves that should come with a warning sign. Love isn’t something he’s looking for. When he figures out that Elise is untouched, his body goes into overdrive. Even though he’s aware keeping her is wrong when all he wants is sex, he’s having the hardest time letting her go.

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