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His agile fingers had her trousers unfastened and down, and he found the thong. He also found her wet and ready for him. He pulled her up against the door, and her body responded to the memory. She wrapped her legs around him. She was open for him, seeking his cock to fill her up because she was so very empty. The moment he entered her, she felt her heart stop. He was hers and she was his.

He pounded into her with all his might, but it was too much after so long, and both of them came quickly in an explosion. He shuddered against her and she came apart in his arms.

When she came back to reality, she allowed herself a small kiss on his cheek. Even as she rested her head against the door, attempting to create space between them, her pussy clenched around his still heavy, limp cock inside her. At last, she found her voice. “Unless you have something to say to me, this was a mistake.”

He looked down at where they were still connected and gently pulled her legs from around him, giving her the moment she needed to find her footing. He turned away then, fastening his pants as he went. He seemed at a loss for words, and Laura told herself she would not cry.

“I need you.” He was so sincere and earnest it broke her heart all over again.

“Yes, but I love you and I need you to love me back.” She waited and waited, staring into his back as he stared down at the street below.

She realized he wasn’t going to say it back, and she did the only thing she could. She walked away.

Chapter Nine

It was nearing the end of Wednesday. Laura was showing Eleanor how to run a report that Paul was very particular about, and was shocked to hear Paul saying her name.

“In my office, please.” Stunned, she followed him in.

He closed the door with a click that snapped her back to reality. She took in his disheveled hair and dark beard. He looked like hell.

“What are you doing here?” It was all she could think to say.

“I’m here asking you to give me another chance. I’m here to tell you I love you, and I’m sorry I was so stupid and made you wait so long to hear it. I knew it that time I came back from New York. I had thought about it while I was away and missing you like crazy. But I knew it, really knew it, when I freaked out over spanking you so hard. I was terrified I had gone too far and you’d leave me for it. I took you back to my place and kept you there because I was afraid you’d come to your senses and never come back to me if you left my place. I love you and I can’t imagine my life without you, and I don’t even want to think about my life without you. Will you marry me?” He held out a small box that contained the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. “If you don’t like it we can change the setting or go shopping. It was my mother’s and—”

She burst into tears. “It’s beautiful and I love it! But Paul, I told you we don’t have to the married thing right now. For me, it’s just enough to know you love me, and marriage is something we can get to eventually.”

“No, damn it! I want my ring on your finger. I want everyone, especially you, to know that you belong to me just the same as I belong to you. I swear to God, ever since you walked away from me that day of Kelly’s wedding, I haven’t been whole. I’ve just been a shell, a stupid, blind shell of myself and in so much pain there were times I wondered if I would survive through it. I need you to say yes, sweetheart.”

Her hands were shaking as she slid the ring on her finger. “Of course I will. I love you.”

“Thank God!” He picked her up and kissed her thoroughly and deeply.

“Paul, I love you, and I’m glad you’re here, but I have to ask. What changed your mind?”

“My brother Jim. He made me see that it didn’t matter that I was trying to protect myself from getting hurt by not doing the marriage thing. I was still hurting because you were walking away. I have to tell by this morning he was ready to fly me back to Chicago himself. I love you, Laura. I just wasn’t the same without you. And just so you know, this won’t be a year-in-planning wedding like Kelly had. We can do the big church and all the flowers, but being rich has its benefits, and money can make the same thing happen in less than half the time. I want you wearing my wedding ring before the end of the year.”

“I’ve never been a big wedding kind of girl. I don’t want the fuss. I just want you.”

He pulled her close, and she fought to breathe deep, but she smiled with the knowledge that it was the same for him. “Come on, let’s go home and celebrate in bed.”

And they did.

Ten years later

Laura knew she should be getting ready to go, but she couldn’t stop looking down at her sleeping twin boys. They were so beautiful to her, little Pauls in miniature at the age of four. They weren’t identical twins—Evan had her eyes and nose—but they both looked very much alike, and took after their father. So often every day she would look at them in wonder, especially considering how hard it had been to have them.

After two years of happy and contented marriage, she and Paul had started to try for children, and had done so with enthusiasm—but after a year without any results, it became clear it wouldn’t happen without help. Fertility drugs didn’t help, and they’d made her cranky and tearful. They quickly decided to move on to in vitro, but the first time came up without results. Laura was so despondent she’d wondered if it was worth it. She knew it couldn’t be easy for Paul, but he’d been a rock, loving and supportive. He was adamant that whatever it took to make her dreams happen, they would do it. Their second round of in vitro worked, and they’d been stunned and ecstatic to find out they were expecting twins. Laura assured Paul she was content with two children, and he’d been relieved. Deep down she thought it was because of the children being her idea, but he admitted watching her struggle had been the hardest part of it all, and her happy again was what he wanted most.

Her pregnancy was, thankfully, an easy one, and she was with Paul at work every day until her seventh month, when he told her he wanted her at home resting. His one request at them having children was that she be a stay-at-home mother. If she had to work then it

would only be part time. Laura had agreed freely, happy to have their children as her focus. Paul bought them a large house in the central location of Lincoln Park, and quickly installed a housekeeper over Laura’s objection. Then when she realized just how hard it was to maintain three levels and two babies on her own, she was grateful to Paul. Because of just how big the house was and how much help Dora, the housekeeper, gave her with the twins, they also had a service come in twice a week.

His arms came around her then and pulled her against him. “They look so peaceful when they’re asleep. You’d never guess what tornadoes they can be when they’re awake. I know you aren’t looking forward to leaving them, sweetheart, but it’s only for a week. Jim and Cayce will take good care of them.”

“I know, and I guess I’m feeling a little guilty because I am actually looking forward to just a week of us. Long days of you inside me, you in my mouth again and again.” She turned in his arms and loved the feel of him hard against her.

“Remember April’s very smart advice, that the kids are important but we shouldn’t feel guilty about putting us first. When we’re in our old age, it will just be you and me, and the kids will be off living their life. A stolen weekend two or three times a year since they’ve arrived hasn’t been nearly enough, my love. Ten years and I still can’t get enough of you, the smell of you, and the feeling of being inside you. You still give me a high like no other.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic