Page 22 of His Hidden Agenda

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Alex’s happiness as we fill out the paperwork for the license is so evident I’m full of joy.

Chapter Twelve

The next day, Alex goes to the hospital without me. I’m content knowing his father will behave from now on. Finishing breakfast, Marley is insistent about going to the florist. I’m almost back to the room I’ve been sharing with Alex to retrieve my purse when Priscilla stops me. I hadn’t realized she’d followed me from the dining room.

“You know you aren’t good enough for this family, don’t you? Alex might marry you but he’ll end up just as miserable with you as he was with his ex-wife. You can wipe that smug look off of your fat face.”

Her vicious words stun me, for a moment I can only stare at her in shock. Then I meet her eyes and the pain is evident. “Priscilla, I’m sorry you believe you’re in love with Alex, but I love him and he loves me. Nothing you say or do is going to change that or prevent us from getting married. I hope someday you’ll realize what you feel is hero worship of a very good man and let it go so you can find someone and be happy.”

Now, she’s the one who’s shocked. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I hate you and I hope you choke to death and die!” The words are shrill as she turns and runs down the hall.

I run my hands through my hair, her words linger. I’m sad for the poor girl. There had been a way she watched Alex this morning I wondered about, and now she had confirmed my thoughts. I’m not surprised, although I think it will end her crush sooner if Alex talks to her, I can’t imagine how mortifying it would be for Priscilla. It also wouldn’t be easy for Alex, either. With a shrug, I let the words roll off. Finally, after months of doubting and questioning, it had been those ugly words which had made it all come home and click. Alex loves me, it doesn’t matter I’m not a size six and not as beautiful as what he could ever have. He wants me, and I know he loves me completely. Whether Priscilla knows it or not, she just made my every doubt disappear.

As we’re driving back to the house after a painfully long session with the florist, I ask her about Priscilla.

“Damn, she went after you?”

“So, it’s well known she thinks she’s in love with Alex?”

“Kind of, Martha and I figured it out a few years ago. Alex has no idea though, if you want, I can have Martha talk to her. She likes Martha most out of everyone. Don’t let her get to you, Priscilla enjoys being miserable. If it wasn’t Alex it would be some other guy she couldn’t have. Lorraine didn’t pay enough attention to her, she was always too busy trying to make Dad happy. Priscilla was often pushed to the side in favor of Milo and Mary, once Lorraine had them.”

“That sounds sad.”

“Yeah, yeah, poor little rich girl. We’ve all had to deal with being ignored by one or both of our parents for huge chunks of time. Priscilla miserable is her version of happy. I’ll have Martha talk to her and tell her to behave herself.”

“Thanks, Marley.”

“No worries, after all you’ve done for our family this is nothing.”

The next morning, I wake up to find Priscilla and Lorraine have left and gone home to New York. Alex is surprised but shrugs. I say nothing, I’m just relieved.

The next few days fly by. All of his brothers and sisters are extremely welcoming and before I know it, they are asking me for advice like they do with Alex. It’s a little overwhelming, but it feels good to know I’m now apparently a part of this mixed and loud clan. Everyone is excited about the wedding, and the night before, it feels like a party. There is a sense of relief as only hours after the ceremony Alex’s father will be going into surgery. Tomorrow won’t quite be a celebratory mood as a normal wedding; there is still the slightest fear among the family the surgery will go smoothly.

I’m a little nervous when the day comes. I haven’t been back to the hospital or talked to Alex’s father since I gave him the ultimatum. Alex doesn’t talk about the visits and I don’t ask. All I need to know is he seems lighter with every passing day. I don’t know if it’s because of the ceremony or his father and I don’t care.

Alex had laughed off Marley’s attempts at separating us last night. I only shook my head and followed Alex into the bedroom. I can’t take my eyes off him as he gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom.

There is a pounding on the door and Marley opens it. “Come on, Grace, put the robe on and let’s go. Alex, she’ll see you at the hospital in an hour and a half.”

Marley tosses the robe at me, and I look at Alex. He just laughs. I shrug, put on the robe a

nd follow Marley from the room with a sigh.

The next hour feels like torture as I’m buffed to a fine shine and my hair is nearly pulled out by the roots by Marley and Mary. Martha and Mina only look on with grins as they chatter about me and keep up a running commentary. Then, I’m finally stuffed into the dress. When Marley pushes me in front of the mirror with a look of triumph, I gasp. Holy shit, I’m gorgeous. The thought is there without the slightest bit of ego, Marley and Mary know their stuff. My hair is pulled back and jeweled pins are used to hold it in. I have absolutely no doubt they are all real. The makeup had been light so I’m surprised my skin looks flawless. My eyes look bigger and brighter and my lips are lined perfectly with just the faintest color.

I’m so glad I didn’t get out of buying this dress, because it looks amazing on me. Even though it hadn’t been in a bridal salon with all the other things, it looks like a perfect wedding dress.

Mary is so happy she’s actually clapping, Mina and Martha clap too. “Oh, Marley, she looks perfect. Do you think Alex will cry?”

“No way, he’s not going to cry, but I do think I’ll get the trip to Venice I’ve been hinting at for my birthday.” Marley says smugly.

Their chatter has me smiling. We make it to the hospital in record time, Marley can’t wait for Alex’s reaction. The chapel is tucked away in a corner of the floor. Even though I’ve never seen it, I’m pretty sure it’s had a complete transformation. I remember the florist taking careful note as I had talked about my favorite flowers being tea roses. The room looks like it has exploded in tea roses in every color. Although the lighting is dim, there are candles along the wall. Alex’s father is in a wheelchair beside him. When he sees me, his smile is smug. My eyes come off him when I feel Alex’s eyes on me.

There weren’t any tears, but I’m sure Marley will be in Venice on her birthday this year. Even though it’s a small chapel, a local judge is marrying us and the ceremony is over quickly. The kiss feels like it lasts longer than the ceremony. When Alex finally lets me go, I’m bright with happiness. His family rushes forward and everyone hugs me. In a small corner, the cake is set up and a photographer I hadn’t even noticed is waiting to take pictures. After what feels like forever, but I’m sure is only twenty minutes, Alex and I are enjoying the cake and the chatter.

It isn’t long, however, before it’s time for Alex’s father to be prepped for his surgery in an hour. He had been a silent witness, rarely saying anything. When he’s being wheeled away, he smiles at me. Alex comes back and tells me his father wants to see me.

He’s back in his bed, in the bright light of his room he looks tired. I don’t say anything, waiting for him. With a look of sly knowing, he shakes his head. “Alex picked out a woman fitting for him. I told him what you said and he laughed and said you were right.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Romance