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“Call in back up, in case. Once the clinic closes, make it clear to Daniel he isn’t welcome back, he’s been fired.”

“Will do.”

Two hours later I get a call from Janet, she has three doctors who are what I’m looking for. Another two hours on the phone and I have an agreement from someone with an endorsement from the best hospital in the city. She’s willing, for a sweetener, to start tomorrow.

Damn it. I have a feeling Bethany is going to be pissed.



I lay my head back as the car heads home. I wonder if Dante will hate me if I quit. Do I have to put in my two weeks’ notice? God, I can’t even think straight. I’m fucking exhausted. I close my eyes for a second.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”


“Yeah, come on. Charlie called me. Thanks, Charlie.”

I’m practically lifted out of the car, then tucked into Dante’s side. “I’m so tired.”

“I got that, sweetheart. Rough day?”

“I hate it. Will you be mad at me if I quit? Daniel seemed so nice and intelligent, but he’s a moron and a shitty doctor. It will also save you the money for the no doubt expensive bodyguard or security guy you have sitting and watching the place.”

Shit, I knew she’d see him. “You can quit if you want to, but I already fired Daniel. His replacement starts tomorrow. The security guy is inexpensive compared to the cost of my sanity wondering and worrying about you working on the southside all day.”

“Oh thank you, thank you. I don’t even care about you being all bossy and interfering. You use your power for good and that’s all that counts. And I might like the idea of a hulking guy hanging around the place making it very obvious he’s keeping an eye on things.”

“I try. You want to grab something to eat?”

“No, I just want to sleep.” And as Dante sets me down on the bed, I do.



Bethany nuzzles into my neck as she comes awake. “Morning.”

I chuckle. “It’s only four in the morning, but I guess technically it’s morning.”

“Hmm, sorry. I can’t believe I slept so long. How do you wake up so quickly?”

“It’s because of you. You get too far away, even half asleep I don’t like it.”

Shaking her head, her forehead wrinkles as she tries to sit up. That seems to make it worse, then suddenly she’s pushing me away to roll off the bed and running for the bathroom. I’m right behind her as she bends over and vomits into the toilet. What the hell? Then I blink, and it clicks. I thought I noticed changes in her body, only they were so small I wondered if I was imagining them.

She keeps retching even though her stomach is empty. I grab a washcloth and run it under cold water and don’t squeeze all the water out. Wrapping a hand around her stomach, I hold her against me as I press the washcloth against the back of her neck. Bethany sags against me. She takes the washcloth and rubs it along her neck and over her face. Then presses her face into my chest.

“What the hell is the matter with me?” She moans.

I go still. She doesn’t know? Aren’t women supposed to know? It wipes the smile off my face—maybe I’m wrong. Gingerly she moves toward the vanity. I watch her brush her teeth and run water over her face. “Can toothpaste go bad? It tastes awful.”

There isn’t a whole lot of thought as I pick her up and take her back to bed. Although dawn is beginning to stream in around the blinds, I turn on the bedside table lamp. “Bethany, sweetheart, is there any chance you might be pregnant?”

She starts to shake her head then stops. I watch as she starts thinking. “I—but I... shit. A few times I didn’t realize I missed a pill in Spain, but I doubled up the way the doctor said. No, I—no, that’s crazy. Dante, stop smiling, you’re scaring me.”

I can’t stop smiling. I try, but my smile isn’t going anywhere. “There’s nothing to be scared of, this is fucking awesome, Bethany. A baby, our baby.” Her hand goes out and she’s shaking her head. Pulling her close, I kiss her forehead. Despite my joy I get she’s freaked. “I’m going down to the corner to get a pregnancy test. Do you have a preference?” She’s still shaking her head. “Ten minutes, I’ll be right back.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance