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“Damn right, I’ll see you tonight.” Then he’s gone,

and I’m such a girl for getting all soppy over him.

Claudine shakes her head with a smile. “I packed you a lunch today and a few snacks. Some yogurt and fresh fruit.”

“Ah, Claudine, you didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to. You never know about the area you’re going to be in. It’s best to bring a lunch.”

“You’re so much smarter than me. Thanks.”

“Not a problem, dear. You didn’t drink your coffee this morning. Do you want me to put it in a mug to take with you?”

I recoil. Ugh, for some reason the smell of coffee made me sick when she first handed it to me this morning. “Not today, thanks. I’m running on nerves, no caffeine needed.”



I lose my train of thought for the fifth time during Chloe’s presentation of her new property she landed to sell. Damn it, get it together. Chloe’s my best damn agent in residential. I’m proud of how far she’s come. She was one of my first picks in the mentorship program Che put together. And she deserves my whole attention, only I can’t stop worrying about Bethany. She hasn’t responded to the text I sent her at lunch. It’s been two damn hours. My phone buzzes. I snatch it up, thank fucking god.

Sorry, honey. I’ve been so busy. We have had a line since I got here. I didn’t even get a chance to eat lunch. I’m hiding in the bathroom so I could text you back.

“Sorry, Chloe, I’ll be right back.” I barely look up as I exit the room.

Are you okay?

It’s driving me crazy not to get the fuck out of here and go see her.

I’m fine. It’s been really busy. I didn’t even see your text until a half hour ago. I’m sorry. I need to get back to work, Daniel just knocked on the door to see if I’m okay.

I roll my neck, the tension still there.

It’s alright. Take care of yourself. I’ll see you tonight.

Something is not right. The clinic has been up and running for a month. The addition of another person should mean an easier day, not harder. I contact the headhunter who found me the staff at the mobile clinic and ask them what info they have on Daniel Dwyer. I’ve gone over the file on the clinic a dozen times. His undergrad is Duke, his medical degree from Johns Hopkins. I did a check on him myself, and there were no complaints or hits to his license. What the hell did I miss?

Janet, the headhunter, is quiet for a few minutes. “I’m checking now, sir. I don’t—oh dear. It looks like he was removed from a clinic for overprescribing pain medications. Another clinic won’t go into what happened, they simply tag him not eligible for rehire.”

Goddamnit. “I need someone to replace him as of today.”

She promises she’ll find me options, requesting a few hours to do so.

I agree, then as soon as I hang up I make a call I had hoped to avoid. O’Neil answers on the first ring.

“Yes, sir?”

“What’s the situation there?”

“Chaotic as fuck. Are you sure this guy is an actual doctor?”

Christ. “Explain.”

“He spends two minutes with each patient. He’s handing out prescriptions for antibiotics like they’re singles at a strip club. A lady went in for a refill on her RA steroid, and he gave it to her along with a prescription for oxy she didn’t even ask for. He’s seeing patients then either Bethany or the nurse, Erin, is stopping them before they leave, then diagnosing them and creating care plans.”

“If Bethany is stepping out of the office, did she make you?”

“No, she’s too damn busy.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance