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Declan sighed and nodded. “I do have a bit of a confession to make, and I hope you will forgive me for it.” He stroked her back at her unease, “I remember you once asked me if I thought of doing something else, and I said no. At the time I still needed to know you were willing to be with me no matter what. The truth is, I have often thought of walking away. There just never seemed a good enough reason to, until you. Several years ago, when the real estate bubble began, I was lucky enough to have quite a bit of money put away, and after a pretty bad argument with my uncle over business, I decided to jump in.

“I did my homework and looked at the markets that were building, but still low enough there would be room for growth. I bought two duplexes and three homes in Denver, Colorado. One of those homes became vacant a few weeks ago, and it’s currently undergoing a remodel and updating for us. It will be finished in a few weeks. If there is anything you don’t like, we can always change it. It’s got a big backyard and plenty of rooms to fill.

“I wanted to wait until the home was done to offer this all up to you. I bought the tickets last week. Now, after today, I realize making all those plans shouldn’t have been something I did on my own. This will be our life together, and I should have let you in on that.”

“Declan, I love you. I love the way your mind works, all the research, the careful plotting and planning. I would have been overwhelmed and terrified if you laid it at my feet. I guess I’m just still a little shocked that you are willing to give up it all for me.”

“Miranda, I told you. You’re my heart, and to walk away from you isn’t an option for me. I had long ago considered this life more than I could bear till I was into my old age. That’s why I did the buying that I did. Only one of the duplexes and one of the houses still have a mortgage. I formed a limited partnership that has nothing to do with my family’s business. I can offer you and our children an extremely comfortable life without having anything to do with my family. I want that for us. What do you say? Denver has an excellent school system and almost a hundred more days of sunshine than Chicago.”

“Oh, Declan, thank you for all of this, for knowing and not making me ask for what I wanted. I wouldn’t have ever asked you for any of it, because even though I did want a baby as well, I love you so much that your love would have been enough for me. I don’t care where we go, only that you’re there.”

Chapter Thirteen

Ten years later

“Daddy! Mommy says the baby is going to come on my birthday and I have to share my toys with him.”

Miranda watched from her place in the rocking chair as her husband soothed Brenna, a five-year-old who shared her father’s amber eyes and raven-dark hair. She was loath to move, as it had taken nearly an hour to get two-year-old Thomas to sleep, and he had a habit of waking up once he was laid down in his crib. Declan eyed her and carefully navigated his way through the toys scattered over the floor to give her a light kiss.

“How are you feeling, my love?”

“A little tired, maybe. You’re home early. How are things at the pub?” Although they were nicely supported by the homes Declan owned, he had grown bored by the lack of daily business. After a long talk, Miranda had agreed to him opening a pub that he ran with Mark, who had followed them to Denver, along with his wife. The pub’s sole business was food and drink, a solemn promise from Declan. Dolly had remained behind in Chicago, to look after the home that Paul now occupied. Her granddaughter, Hannah, had gladly come along with the intention of taking her grandmother’s place.

His eyes darkened. “Where’s Hannah and Susan?”

“Hannah is at the store getting items Colin needs for his school project but didn’t tell anyone until it’s due tomorrow. Susan is in the kitchen making dinner.”

Nine-year-old Colin came in, screeching at the top of his lungs about Natalie ruining his comic books. Natalie followed, begging for forgiveness. Only a year younger, Natalie clung to her brother, and was distraught whenever he was angry or unhappy with her.

“That’s enough, Colin. You know Natalie did not ruin your comic books on purpose. Come along, the lot of you. Mom needs to rest. Let’s see if we can find a movie you haven’t seen.”

Miranda heard him settle the kids into the family room with a movie. He came back moments later and took Thomas from her. The baby quickly settled on his shoulder, and Declan pulled her up after him. Miranda followed him up the stairs and into the nursery. Declan laid Thomas down with gentle, practiced hands. He turned to see her watching him, and he caught the light in her eyes.

“Sweetheart, you need to rest.” His hand at her back, he guided her to their bedroom.

Once the door was closed, she turned in his arms and pulled him down to her. His kiss went quickly from soft and languid to hot and hungry. He backed her up to the bed and followed her down. His fingers ran over her swollen breasts, and he watched as they leaked in preparation for their child, now almost a week overdue. He shook his head, and his hand found the mound of their kicking baby. He smiled. “You are going to sleep and I am going to die slowly holding you while you sleep. And I mean it this time, my lovely Miranda, this babe is the last.”

She sighed. “I am a greedy thing, aren’t I? I have so much more happiness than I thought could have. Have I thanked you for that lately?”

His arms tightened around her. “No thanks needed. Your smiles and happiness show me every day. Now sleep, my love, and let me hold you.”

With his heart beating below her ear, she drifted off, content in his arms.

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