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“I was fired. He’d shown me all he could, it was time to make it on my own.”

“He fired you?” I’m outraged.

Ivan pulls me close. “Not like that, love. He was happy for me. There was no anger, no malice. Five years was right around the time he thought it would take me. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest I wanted to go out on my own. He even came in at another angle to help me drive the price down even further.”

“Men are weird.” I shake my head in wonder. “Is he what brought you to Chicago from New York?”

“Pretty much. I was surprised by his move, he admitted it was for his wife at first. In the end it gave him a boost to his business better than he could have hoped. A lower cost of living enabled him to pay well, yet it was almost twenty percent less than the lowest salary he paid in New York. I did a deal in Chicago and stuck around for the weekend. While I was there I saw the appeal. Chicago moves at a slower pace, yet offers as much convenience in business, entertainment and five-fold in housing.”

“You never thought of moving back here?” Considering how close he is with his sisters, I find it hard to believe he wouldn’t want to come back one day.

He shakes his head without hesitation. “Not enough business opportunities. London will bleed you dry, the taxes are horrendous, and it is too fucking cold.”

“You’re going to stay in Chicago?”

“I’m not planning on going anywhere. You? Ever want to run away to somewhere warmer?”

“God no, even with family I love Chicago. The sense of community among the skyscrapers, but then you have each area with its own sense of self. I would be miserable anywhere else. Well, except maybe in December and January. I wouldn’t mind missing out on a snowstorm or two. Speaking of, is it really going to rain? It feels like it in the air. You’re flying in the rain?”

I hate the idea of him going to London in a few hours. What I hate even more is the idea of him going without me. It’s for work, for him to check up on the progress of a merger. It’s been on the calendar for weeks, the team is expecting him. He would have lunch with the leads, go back to the building to check on the progress, and then a business dinner with a potential buyer of a part of the company. His flight back is tentatively set for ten tonight, although it could change depending on the buyer.

“I’ll be fine. It’s a light rain, the pilot checked. I promise it’s safe. I want you to come too, but Gemma has rung twice to make sure you’re coming tonight. This hen do is important to her, I’m grateful you’re going. It will only be for the afternoon—I’ll be back in time to tuck you into bed.” His eyebrows lift in delicious intent.

Laughing, I pull him close. “You’d better. I love your sister, I’m a worrier, that’s all.”

“Nothing to worry about. Although we do need to head home so I can change and make the flight.”



My phone vibrates in my pocket, scaring the crap out of me. Which is a good thing because I would never have heard it over the loud music. I am not a club person, and supposedly this was a quiet one. We’re in the back, in a VIP area. There are almost twenty women and many of them are long past sober.

Hannah has been trying to push drinks on me all night, only giving up an hour ago. I wonder where she went? She said she was going to the loo but that was almost fifteen minutes ago.

I pull out my phone and wilt a little. I knew it, Ivan is staying overnight in London. The buyer is now considering buying the whole company, if the price is right. Ivan and the buyer are going to go over the financials deeper tomorrow. Ivan promises he’ll be back tomorrow, he told the buyer it was non-negotiable. Biting my lip until I taste blood, I delete the message a few times until I get it right. I understand, it’s okay. I miss him and will see him tomorrow.

He responds back with have a good night. That’s it? Have a good night? Men.

Okay, I’m officially done. I want to go home and go to sleep. Checking the time, I wince: it’s only ten thirty. It feels like it’s been a long night. The party started at the hotel where both ceremonies are being held. And where Gemma and Aari have been staying, and will continue to stay until after the second wedding. It’s one of the few hotels in the city that could accomadate the four hundred guests for the Hindu ceremony and the three hundred guests for the regular ceremony.

In the large suite, it didn’t seem like a luxury hotel. There were far more penis-shaped things decorating the sitting room and given as gifts than I had any idea existed. The drinking started there, then it was into several limousines to get here.

Once we got into this VIP area, there wasn’t one stripper but three, and it got crazy. I couldn’t take it after only five minutes and hid in the bathroom, loo, whatever for almost a half hour. I only came out five minutes before Hannah left.

Gemma isn’t drunk but she is definitely buzzed. Embarrassed, I tap her on the shoulder.

“Hi.” She smiles up at me. “Isn’t this the best?”

I nod even though I don’t agree. “I’m sorry, but I have a raging headache, too much champagne and loud music. I don’t do this often.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, but I’m going to get a cab home.”

She hugs me tight. “Thank you for coming, I’m glad you did. Sorry, some of my friends were a bit catty tonight.”

Shrugging, I force a laugh I don’t feel. “It’s fine. No hard feelings.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic