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“I should have kept in touch with you.” He leans back in the wooden chair. “I’ve always been the glue for my family. They look to me for strength. I don’t have time to think when I’m trying to put out their fires.”

I see the weariness in his face and I hear it in his voice. There’s more to tell. I know there is. He’s on the cusp of opening up, but it’s too soon. We’ve only known each other a few weeks.

“I understand,” I say softly, genuinely. “I was worried. I was curious too. That’s the only reason I went to your office after you didn’t show up at the café. I wanted to know what you meant when you said we should talk.”

“You were at my office?” His brows perk. “I didn’t know that.”

I’m surprised that he didn’t hear about it from Dylan or Joyce. I told them I’d talk to him myself, but I thought they’d at least mention my visit to him.

“Griffin,” I take a breath before I continue, looking for strength. “I got a little freaked out when I was there. Maybe, a lot freaked out.”

“Because I wasn’t there?”

“No.” I shake my head. “My sketch wasn’t there. It had been taken down. I thought...”

“Jesus, Piper.” He moves forward, his hands reaching across the table to cover mine. “You thought I was done with you? Is that it? I was a no-show for coffee and then you see your sketch is gone. You must have thought I was a no-good asshole who dumped you by ghosting.”

My lips slide into a smile. “I would leave out the no-good asshole part, but I did wonder if it was over.”

“This,” he begins before he tugs on my hands. “This is the best part of my life. I need this. I need you.”

I need him too. I want him to mean what he’s saying.

“I could have been there for you,” I say even though I know the words carry a lot of weight considering the fact that we haven’t even defined what we are to one another. “I know this thing between us is new, but I’m a good friend.”

“You’re a great girlfriend,“ he corrects me with a wink.

My breath catches in my throat. That’s a big step. “I’m your girlfriend?”

“I want you to be,” he says quietly. “I mean I feel like we were heading in that direction until I took that left turn and drove this off the track.”

“We can get back on track if you promise me something.”

“Anything.” He squeezes my hands. “I’ll promise you anything.”

“The next time you take a left turn, make sure I’m beside you. Don’t leave me behind.”

He gives me a wicked smile. “I’ll keep that promise.”

I pull back my hand, grateful that this isn’t ending tonight. I want more time with him. I want to explore where this is going, what it could potentially be.

“I’ll stop by the gallery tomorrow afternoon to buy another sketch.” He finishes off his coffee.

“Another one?” I can’t mask my grin.

He nods. “I gave the one in my office to mom. I told her the most incredible woman I’ve ever met drew it.”

I dip my chin to hide the emotion I know is in my eyes. “Did she like it?”

When he doesn’t answer immediately, I look up to find him with a tear in the corner of his eye. “She loved it, Piper.”

Chapter 41


My dick is throbbing by the time we get to Piper’s place. I haven’t touched her since we

sat at the table at the diner holding hands. I wanted to kiss her in the Uber on the way over, but she was staring out the window of the car, obviously lost in thought.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic