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My heart. She’s got my fucking heart.

“Let’s get started,” Piper says excitedly. “I can’t wait to see what you all come up with tonight.”

I can’t wait until this class is over and I can have Piper all to myself.

Chapter 40


Class didn’t go as well as I’d hoped tonight. That’s because Cameron’s cock stole the show. Every woman was practically salivating in her seat and all the men, including Griffin, wouldn’t look in Cameron’s direction.

He has a very large dick.

Before class, he whispered to me that he was feeling a draft.

I whispered back that’s why I pay him so much.

Unfortunately, Cameron’s not going to get rich taking on side jobs like the one he’s doing for me. It’s pocket change compared to what he could be making in print or magazine ads.

He’s incredibly attractive, but the only man I’m interested in is currently sitting across a table from me, nervously tapping his fingers on his chin.

We’re at Jo’s diner.

I didn’t want to take this conversation to a bar because I would have been tempted to order a drink. Since I haven’t eaten much today, I know I’d feel a buzz straight away and I want a clear mind while we talk.

He looks down at the mug of coffee in front of him. “My family went through a rough patch years ago. We’re still trying to sort through that.”

I thought there would be some small talk before we got to the core of what happened last week, but I’m not complaining. I want him to open up even if we end tonight as just friends. I know that he’s a good guy. He has to be if he dropped his entire life to run to the aid of his family.

I’d do the same for my parents if they needed me, so I can’t fault him for that.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I offer.

He shakes his head, the corner of his lip twitching. “My mom has these panic attacks, and she’s had a heart attack. Sometimes she can’t tell what’s bearing down on her so she’ll call me.”

“Which was it last week?”

He purses his lips. “Both. It wasn’t a full-blown heart attack but her blood pressure spiked. It was sorted at the hospital pretty quickly.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. My dad had a procedure two years ago to clear a small blockage in one of his arteries. It was found during a routine test and the doctor said it was the proactive thing to do. I was still scared, even though I had every reassurance from my dad, my mom and the cardiologist that everything would be fine.

“How is she doing now?” I move to take a sip of coffee.

He follows my movements with his gaze. “She’s doing better. She’s back at home.”

I jump at the chance to know more about his family. “Does she live in New York?”

“Connecticut,” he answers quickly. “I drove up with Draven. My brother, Draven, has a truck. He drove me to see her.”

He mentioned his brother earlier; my interest is piqued again. “You said that you spent the weekend with him? At the hospital?”

“No.” He exhales harshly. “We stayed at my mom’s house. Draven has a daughter. She took the trip with us, so we hung out with her and my mom once she was released and back home.”

“What about your dad?”

He hesitates briefly before he answers. “My folks are divorced. He dropped out of the picture years ago. ”

I blink a few times, imagining him with his family. I can’t help but wonder what they’re like.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic